
You were disturbed by passion and infatuation,

طربت وعناك الهوى والتطربُ

1. You were disturbed by passion and infatuation,
And your disposition turned to yearning and erecting.

١. طَرِبتَ وَعنّاكَ الهَوى وَالتَطَرُّبُ
وَعادَتكَ أَحزانٌ تَشوقُ وَتَنصِبُ

2. You became in the morning disconsolate for Layla, as though
A disease from Tehama had stricken you with its biting edge.

٢. وأَصبَحتَ من لَيلى هَلوعاً كَأَنَّما
أَصابَكَ مومٌ من تِهامةَ مورَبُ

3. Indeed, the patient one, his passions stirred his sorrows,
And his groans - so tears for anguish pour forth.

٣. أَلا لابَلِ الأَشواقُ هاجَت هُمومَهُ
وَأَشجانَهُ فالدَمعُ لِلوَجدِ يَسكُبُ

4. And Layla is gentle, soft as an unweaned young she-camel,
Pampered, she who makes the forbearing fall in love, and captivates.

٤. وَلَيلى أَناةٌ كالمَهاةِ غَريرَةٌ
منعَّمَةٌ تُصبي الحَليمَ وَتخلبُ

5. As though her figure was clad attractively
In a diaphanous robe of Zuhair, most delicate fabric.

٥. كأَنَّ ثَناياها تَعلَّلنَ موهِناً
غَبيقاً مِن الصَهباءِ بَل هيَ أَعذَبُ

6. And no mother of a timid, weak-hearted creature,
Of fine built, is more inclining, desirous, forward.

٦. وَما أُمُّ خِشفٍ شادِنٍ بخَميلةٍ
من الدَهسِ منه هايلٌ وَمُكَثَّبُ

7. She cares for him for a while, is pleased with him
For companionship - from her boldness and vivacity.

٧. يَعِنُّ لَها طَوراً يَروقُها
عَلى الأُنسِ منه جرأةٌ وَتَوثُّبُ

8. With the best ornament and jewelry that adorns her
Even if she is not compliant and avoidance became prolonged.

٨. بأَحسنَ منها مُقلةً ومقَلَّداً
وَإِن هيَ لَم تُسعِف وَطالَ التَجَنُّبُ

9. And no garden, fertile, Hamawiyah,
Wherein are delicate plants of Khazami and Hubbal.

٩. وَما رَوضةٌ وسميَّةٌ حَمويَّةٌ
بِها مونقاتٌ من خُزامى وَحُلَّبُ

10. The rain pouring on it and sprinkling,
Overshadowing and wetting it, dripping.

١٠. تَعاورَها وَدقُ السَماءِ وَديمَةٌ
يَظَلُّ عَلَيها وَبلُها يَتَحَلَّبُ

11. More sweetly scented than it after slumber
When the inclining stars appear.

١١. بأَطيبَ منها نَكهَةً بَعدَ هجعَةٍ
إِذا ما تَدلّى الكَواكبُ المتصَوِّبُ

12. So leave mentioning Layla if she refuses you,
And if she does not approach you, so embrace.

١٢. فَدَع ذِكرَ لَيلى إِذا نأتكَ بوِدِّها
وَإِذ هيَ لا تَدنو إِلَيكَ فَتسقُبُ

13. Tamim came to us, their affliction in their harshness,
And those who walked of their mixed horde all became dusty.

١٣. أَتَتنا تَميمٌ قَضُّها بقَضيضِها
وَمَن سارَ من أَلفافِهم وَتأشَّبوا

14. With a wide plain that eyes cannot encompass its width,
For it a noisy poem that distressed and became disordered.

١٤. بَرَجراجةٍ لا يُنفِدُ الطَرفُ عَرضَها
لَها زَجَلٌ قَد احزأَلَّ وَمَلحَبُ

15. So when we saw them, their garments
On the ground in the morning were darkness and dust.

١٥. فَلَمّا رَأَيناهم كأَنَّ زُهاءَهم
عَلى الأَرضِ إَصباحاً سوادٌ وَغُرَّبُ

16. We set out against them with horses swift as though they were
Coughing, and forelocks of twisting when they gallop.

١٦. سَمَونا لهم بالخَيلِ تَردي كَأَنَّها
سَعالٍ وَعِقبانُ اللِوى حينَ تُركَبُ

17. Chargers like pillars of battle overturning them
Toward death - the battle-hardened sons of war - so they were defeated.

١٧. ضَوامِرُ أَمثالُ القِداحِ يَكُرُّها
عَلى المَوتِ أَبناءُ الحُروبِ فتحرَبُ

18. They said good morning at the first opportunity,
So we said to them, "A people, Tamim, and welcome!"

١٨. فَقالوا الصَبوحَ عِندَ أَولِ وَهلَةٍ
فَقُلنا لهم أَهلٌ تَميمٌ وَمَرحَبُ

19. "Do you not know that we repel our enemy
When they were insolent, united in their assembly?"

١٩. أَلَم تَعلَموا أَنّا نَرُدُّ عدوَّنا
إِذا احشوا شَدوا في جَمعِهم وَتأَلَّبوا

20. With a blow that spills blood - intense is its impact -
And a stab that you see from it the innards gush forth.

٢٠. بِضَربٍ يَفُضُّ الهامَ شِدَّةُ وَقعِهِ
وَوَخزٍ تَرى منه التَرائِبَ تَشخُبُ

21. So they met with an affliction from people like
Lions of the den, truthful, they do not lie.

٢١. فَلاقوا مِصاعاً مِن أُناسٍ كَأَنَّهم
أسودُ العَرينِ صادِقاً لا يُكَذِّبُ

22. And you would not see from them but one covering his face,
And another bound, and another fleeing.

٢٢. فَلَم تَرَ منهم غَيرَ كابٍ لِوَجهِهِ
وآخرَ مَغلولٍ وآخر يَهرُبُ

23. And there did not remain but quivering females,
And except a Nimr cattle-marker like a leather bag tossed about.

٢٣. وَلَم يَبقَ إِلّا خَيفَقٌ أَعوجيَّةٌ
وَإِلّا طِمِرُّ كالهِراوَةِ مِنهَبُ

24. There returned to us from them women who were as though
With prominent collarbone and sleek body, a gazelle, nimble.

٢٤. وَفاءَ لنا منهم نِساءٌ كَأَنَّها
بِوَجرَةَ وَالسُلّانِ عينٌ وَرَبرَبُ

25. And we killed Amir and his mother's son,
And they were afflicted by a calamitous, painful day.

٢٥. وَنحن قَتَلنا عامِراً وابنَ أُمِّهِ
ووافاهُما يَومٌ شَتيمٌ عَصَبصَبُ

26. And there perished therein the two sons of Riyah and Habtar,
Whose corpses were torn by devouring birds of prey and wolves.

٢٦. وَغودِرَ فيها ابنا رِياحٍ وَحَبتَرٍ
تَنوشُهمُ طَيرٌ عِتاقٌ وأذؤُبُ

27. And Salih runs with the physique of mankind swimming,
Bald forehead, smooth-cheeked, shanks bare.

٢٧. وَيعدو بِبَزّي هَيكلُ الخَلقِ سابِحٌ
مُمَرٌّ أَسيلُ الخَدِّ أَجرَدُ شَرجَبُ

28. As though I - on the morning of fright from a roaring lion -
Abu Ashbal - thick of forearms, seasoned warrior.

٢٨. كَأَنّي غَداةَ الرَوعِ من أُسدِ زارةٍ
أَبو أَشبُلٍ عَبلُ الذِراعَينِ مِحرَبُ

29. And when I saw the horses wetting their chests,
I returned, and did not flinch when the people screamed.

٢٩. وَلَمّا رأَيتُ الخَيلَ تَدمي نُحورُها
كَررَتُ فَلَم أَنكُل إِذا القَومُ هَيَّبوا

30. I made Abu Al-Rahal stumble with a stab from me
From which a noble rider spills forth.

٣٠. حَبَوتُ أَبا الرَحالِ مِنّي بطَعنَةٍ
يَمُدُّ بِها آتٍ مِن الجَوفِ يَزعَبُ

31. And I did not care if he escapes it or dies from it -
For it has deadly, gaping wounds.

٣١. فَلَم أَرقِهِ إِن يَنجُ منها وَإِن يَمت
فَجيَّاشَةٌ فيها عَوانِدُ تَثعَبُ

32. And the chiefs of Mughirah knew already that I had returned
When the warriors were paralyzed, hindered.

٣٢. وَقَد عَلِمَت أَولى المُغيرَةِ أَنَّني
كَررَتُ وَقَد شَلَّ السوامُ المُعَزِّبُ

33. And I routed the young men of al-Adiyy as though he were
Torrents of water from the sea, sidestepped.

٣٣. وَنَهنَهتُ رَيعانَ العَديِّ كَأَنَّهُ
غَوارِبُ تَيّارٍ من اليَمِّ يُجنَبُ

34. So ask the clan of Al-Ja'ara how our affliction was
When the claimant repeatedly complained and was rewarded.

٣٤. فَسائِل بَني الجَعراءِ كَيفَ مِصاعُنا
إِذا كَرَّرَ الدَعوى المُشيحُ المَثوِّبُ