1. I abandoned all the singing girls completely
And stripped myself of attachment to them
١. إني هجرت الغانيات جميعاً
ونزعت عن كلفي بهن نزوعاً
2. And I rejected pleasures for myself and so became
After refusal, a listener and obedient
٢. ورفضت لذاتي فصرت لناصح
بعد الإباية سامعاً ومطيعاً
3. The prohibition prohibited my heart so I became chaste and virtuous
And after arrogance, I took on humility
٣. ونهى النهي قلبي فأقصر وارعوى
واعتاض بعد الكبرياء خشوعاً
4. And I saw my integrity clearly after blindness
So I retreated from the ignorance of misguidance, in return
٤. ورأيت رشدي واضحاً بعد العمى
فنكصت عن غي الضلال رجوعاً
5. Oh what a waste those hours were, they will not pass
How can there be salvation when I have done wrong
٥. يا حسرة ساعاتها ما تنقضي
كيف النجاة وقد أسأت صنيعاً