
We raided the garden of roses in the morning

صبحنا براز الروز منا بغارة

1. We raided the garden of roses in the morning
Like the flower bud with twisted petals

١. صَبَحنا بَرازَ الرَوزِ مِنّا بِغارَةً
كَوِردِ القَطا فيها الوَشيجُ المُقَوَّمُ

2. And we filled up on the hill overlooking the city like a mound
So we slipped away, escaped the clamor of tongues

٢. وَمِلنا عَلى جابي المَدينَةِ كَرَدمٍ
فَأَفلَتنا فَوتَ الأَسِنَّةِ كَرُدمِ

3. And the son of Warqah the wind-swift survived
Forceful lord of the two castles, seasoned warrior

٣. وَنَجى اِبنَ وَرقاءَ الرِياحِيَّ سابِحٌ
شَديدُ مَناطِ القُصرَيَينِ عَثمُثُمُ

4. And we quenched from Yazid the thirst of our hearts
And from his cavalry, though the lord of war is headstrong

٤. وَنَحنُ شَفينا مِن يَزيدَ صُدورَنا
وَمِن خيله وَصاحِبُ الحَربِ مِغشَمُ