1. I was mocked by the mother of calamities when she mocked
The gray hair on my head, yet gray hair is no disgrace
١. إِنّي هَزِئَتٌّ مِن أُمِّ الغَمرِ إِذ هَزِئَت
بِشَيبِ رَأسي وَما بِالشَيبِ مِن عارِ
2. A man's misery is not from poverty that disgraces him
Nor is his happiness ever from abundant wealth
٢. ما شَقوَةُ المَرءِ بِالإِقتارِ يُفتَرُهُ
وَلا سَعادَتُهُ يَوماً بِإِكثارِ
3. Indeed wretched is he whose abode is the Fire
And triumph belongs to him who is saved from the Fire
٣. إِنَّ الشَقِيَّ الَّذي في النارِ مَنزِلُهُ
وَالفَوزُ فَوزُ الَّذي يَنجو مِنَ النارِ
4. I seek refuge in God from a matter that makes alluring to me
The blame of my clan or that brings me closer to disgrace
٤. أَعوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِن أَمرٍ يُزَيِّنُ لي
لَومَ العَشيرَةِ أَو يُدني مِنَ العارِ
5. The best of worldly life makes one forget the evil of the Hereafter
And soon the Almighty will inform me of my chronicles
٥. وَخَيرِ دُنيا يُنَسّي شَرَّ آخِرَةٍ
وَسَوفَ يُنبِئُني الجَبارُ أَخباري
6. I do not favor the front room of the house over its back room
Nor will I clip the fingernails of my cousin's son
٦. لا أَقرَبُ البَيتَ أَحبو مِن مُؤَخِّرَهِ
وَلا أُكَسِّرَ في اِبنِ العَمِّ أَظفاري
7. Lest God obstruct the sights I monitor
For God may see the state of one hiding in the dark
٧. أَن يَحجِبِ اللَهَ أَبصاراً أُراقِبُها
فَقَد يَرى اللَه حالَ المُدلَجِ الساري