1. Your apples and your leafy branch are my remedy
My sufficiency is your consent, and the day of your approval is the day of my prosperity
١. خداك تفاحي وريقُك راحي
حسبي ويوم رضاك يوم فلاحي
2. O He whom hearts are attached to with His mention
Like the attachment of bodies to souls
٢. يا من تعلقت القلوبُ بذكره
كتعلُّق الأجسام بالأرواحِ
3. O He who wounds my heart with the dagger of His glance
Make your union a balm for my wounds
٣. يا جارحاً قلبي بخنجر لحظِهِ
صَيِّر وصالك مرهماً لجراحي
4. O He who jokes with estrangement, your estrangement kills me
And killing is not a joke to be joked with
٤. يا مازحاً بالهجر هجرُك قاتلي
والقتلُ ليس مزاحهُ بمزاحِ