
It seems as if in every limb I have there lies

كأن في كل عضو لي وجارحة

1. It seems as if in every limb I have there lies
A heart that yearns, an eye that longing spies

١. كأنَّ في كلِّ عضوٍ لي وجارحةٍ
قلباً يحنُّ وعيناً تشتهي النَّظَرا

2. For soft delights - if but his hands would touch
Cold barren rock, that rock would blossom wise

٢. شوقاً إلى ناعم اللذّات لو لمست
كفّاه جلمودَ صَخرٍ أنبَتَ الصَّخرا

3. A branch that drank of heavenly bliss, that if
His raiment from his form were torn aside

٣. غصنٌ تشرَّب من ماء النعيم فلو
بُزَّت سرابيلُه عن جسمه لجرى

4. Would flow in streams. His Maker formed of balm
And light's pure veil his modest limbs did hide

٤. قد صاغه من نسيم الطِّيب خالقُه
وصانه في حجاب النور فاستترا

5. So gentle are the borders of his form
Imagination, melting, would but glide

٥. رَقَّت حواشيه حتى لو يمرُّ به
وهمُ الضمير لفرط اللين لاعتُصِرا

6. O'er their soft sweetness. If a gnat's wing-breath
Should brush those beauties, trace of it would 'bide

٦. لو أنَّ ظِلَّ ذبابٍ طارَ من بُعُدٍ
حاذى محاسنَه أبقى بها أثَرا

7. O bending branch, as if a branch could see,
At thy soft bending it would glow with pride

٧. يا غصنَ بانٍ لو اَنَّ الغصنَ يُبصرُه
إذا تثنّى لحار الغصنُ وابتهرا

8. He sways so gently that men's hearts are swayed,
And longing in their breasts leaps forth beside

٨. يهتزُّ ليناً فتهتزُّ القلوبُ له
ويخطر الشوق في الأحشاء إن خَطَرا

9. My heart says to mine eyes whene'er they spy him:
"See there an angel or a mortal glide?"

٩. يقول قلبي لطرفي حين يُبصِرُه
انظر ترى مَلَكاً ذ الشخص أم بَشَرا

10. Wine from his cheeks if pressed would flow, or light
Dispersed, if o'er them dawn its gates were wide.

١٠. لو تُعصَرُ الخمر من خدَّيه لانعصرت
أو يُنشَر الغنج من أجفانه انتشرا

11. Cheeks at a breath enkindled into flame,
Or, from their softness dropping gentle, glide.

١١. خدَّينِ لو نُفِخا بالوهم لاشتعَلا
ناراً ولو قُطِّرا من رقَّةٍ قَطَرا

12. Were there no moon to light the dark, God would
Make that lone servant moon for all beside.

١٢. لو لم يكن قمرٌ يُجلى الظلامُ به
لَصَيَّر اللَهُ عبد الواحد القَمَرا