
Were it not for lovers' tears and their agony

لولا مدامع عشاق ولوعتهم

1. Were it not for lovers' tears and their agony
Nothing would exist in creation but water and fire

١. لولا مَدامعُ عُشّاقٍ ولَوعتُهم
لَبَانَ في الخَلق غيرُ الماءِ والنارِ

2. Every fire was kindled by their sighing breaths
And every stream flowed from their falling tears

٢. وكلُّ نارٍ فمن أنفاسِهم قدحت
وكل ماءٍ فمن دمعٍ لهم جاري

3. All the torment in hellfire was stolen
From my heart's longing and remembrance

٣. كلُّ العَذاب الذي في النار مُستَرَقٌ
ممّا بقلبيَ من شوقٍ وتَذكارِ

4. And all delights in the gardens of eternity are
United for me in the joy of reunion after separation

٤. وكلُّ ما في جنان الخلد يَجمَع لي
في الوصل ما بين لذّاتي وأوطاري

5. No comparison can be made to the anguish of distance
And the bliss of reunion surpasses all measures

٥. فغُصَّة البُعد لا شَيءٌ يُقاس بها
ولذَّة الوصل جازت كلَّ مقدارِ