1. O you who rule my passion
And in my eyelids make mischief
١. يا صيرفيّاً هواه
في مقلتي يتصرَّفْ
2. Were you to meet the sun
It would shy away out of bashfulness
٢. لو قابل الشمسَ كادت
لخجلةٍ منه تكسف
3. If the moon had a dwelling
It would envy his beauty
٣. لو أن للبدر معشا
رَ حُسنه لتصلَّف
4. So gentle are his features
They seem to dazzle and sparkle
٤. رقت حواشيه حتّى
تكاد أن تُتَرشَّف
5. So exquisite is his charm
One could imagine him snatched away
٥. يكاد من فرط لطفٍ
بالوهم أن يُتَخطَّف
6. When he inclines, his flanks incline
Swaying with subtle grace
٦. إذا تثنى تثنَّت
أعطافُه تتعطَّف
7. And when he struts, his hips strut
Swaying rhythmically to and fro
٧. وإن تهادى تهادت
أردافُه تتردَّف
8. For the light and beauty in him
Are perfectly combined and blended
٨. فالنور والحسن فيه
كُلٌّ بكُلٍّ تألَّف
9. With elegance, allure and languor
He is ornately adorned
٩. وباللّباقة والشك
لِ والفتور تزخرف
10. His nature embellishes creation
With the finest manners and decorum
١٠. يُزيِّن الخلقَ منه
خُلقٌ من الظرفِ أظرَف
11. O you who resemble houris
Nay, more sublime and gentle than they
١١. يا مُشبِهَ الحُور لا بل
أجلُّ منها وألطَف
12. Let me love a beauty
Whose lover is not berated
١٢. دَعني أُحبّ مليحاً
مُحِبُّه ليس يُعنَف
13. If anyone blames me for my passion
It is they who pretend and feign
١٣. مَن لامني في هواه
فهو المُعنّى المكلَّف
14. My Master is resplendent and radiant
While my soul pines and withers away
١٤. مولاي يُزهى ويَبهى
والرُّوح تضنى وتتلف
15. With his gentleness he grasps my soul
Whenever I try to draw near
١٥. باللطف يقبض روحي
إن جئتُه أتلطَّف