1. I went seeking words to address him,
While I was preoccupied with an eye desiring to look.
١. ذهبتُ أطلبُ ألفاظاً أُخاطِبُهُ
وقد شُغِلتُ بعينٍ تشتهي النَّظَرا
2. Whenever my gaze was confused by his beauty,
To quench my thirst, beauty said, “How do you see him?”
٢. وكلما حارَ طرفي في محاسنه
لأَشتَفي منه قال الحُسنُ كيف ترى
3. This one whom the Most Merciful created in his image,
There is no flaw in him, so turn your sight back.
٣. هذا الذي ابتدع الرحمن صُورَتَهُ
فلا تفاوُتَ فيه فارجعِ البَصَرا
4. So I said what the women of sight said before me,
When they saw Joseph’s beauty, “This is no mortal!”
٤. فقلت ما قال قبلي نسوةٌ بصرت
بيوسف الحسن ما هذا الفتى بَشرا
5. He appears and you would think him scowling with beauty,
Clothed in scent, wrapped in gentleness.
٥. يبدو فتحسبه بالحسن متعجراً
بالطيب مرتدياً باللين مؤتزرا
6. If fire were to spark from his cheeks it would ignite,
Or water were to drip from his eyelids as drops.
٦. لو تقدح النارُ من خديه لانقدحت
أو يقطر الماء من أطرافه قطرا
7. So do not be sullen in manners, O my hope,
Lest the clear become in all this troubled.
٧. فلا تكن كدرَ الأخلاق يا أملي
فيُصبح الصَّفوُ من ذا كلِّه كدرا
8. Truly, governance is hoped to benefit its master,
Like lightning which the farmer hopes for rain.
٨. إن السياسة يُرجى خير صاحبها
كالبَرق يأمل فيه الزارعُ المَطَرا
9. And you have no need to distrust a brother,
Nor has a bow any glory without its string.
٩. وأنت غير غَنيٍّ عن أخي ثقةٍ
ولا غَنَاءَ لقَوسٍ تعدم الوَتَرا
10. Increase us, for we are thankful for your good deeds,
And good can be added to by one who is thankful.
١٠. زِدنا فإنّا شكرنا حسن فِعلكم
وقد يُزَادُ على الإحسان مَن شكرا