1. You were true to your word, as loyalty was your way,
You were just, as justice was to reciprocate in kind,
١. وفيتَ وما لك إلا الوفا
وأنصفتَ والعدلُ أن تُنصِفا
2. You made your promise and saw it through,
You gave your all, more than words can define,
٢. ضمنتَ ضماناً وأتممتَه
وأوليتَ ما جلَّ أن يُوصَفا
3. Never deceitful nor ever one to betray,
Never failing nor faltering from your promise to uphold,
٣. فما كنتَ في العهد لي خائناً
ولا كنتَ في الوعد لي مخلفا
4. Your affection returned full of delight,
As I had expected from you nothing but cold,
٤. لقد عاد وصلُك مستطرَفاً
لأني توقَّعتُ منك الجَفا
5. Had another been granted what you have attained,
He would have deserted his loved ones absent and aloof,
٥. ولو نال غيرُك ما نلتَهُ
لفارَقَ أحبابَه وانتفى
6. For the wavering soul if affection it regains,
With reunion scatters what affection wove,
٦. لأن المَلُولَ إذا ما استقا
مَ بالوَصل شَتَّتَ ما ألَّفا
7. Why cease to cherish one who if spurned,
Would taint the clear joy my life preserved,
٧. فلِم لا أُواصِل مَن لو جفا
لكدَّر من عيشتي ما صفا
8. Do you see me forsake what love has earned,
While you keep faith with the covenant observed?
٨. تُراني أُضيع حقوق الهوى
وأنت حفيظ لعهد الصفا
9. But to you I yield with willing hand,
Despite any blame or those who reprehend,
٩. ولكنني لك طوع اليدي
نِ على رغم من لام أو عنَّفا
10. I care not for those who reprimand,
If to the loyal one loyalty I extend.
١٠. فلستُ أُبالي بمن لامني
إذا ما وفيت لمن قد وفى