
An idol imagined in the best imagination

صنم تصور أحسن التصوير

1. An idol imagined in the best imagination
In beauty he has become peerless

١. صنم تصوَّر أحسنَ التصويرِ
في الحسن قد أمسى بغير نظيرِ

2. Allah shaped him with wonderful beauty
That he may be a model for the houris

٢. اللَهُ صوَّره بديعَ محاسنٍ
كيما يكون نموذجاً للحورِ

3. Therefore He adorned his face with subtleties
That seduced, and lined his eyes with languor

٣. فلذاكَ زخرف وجهَه بدقائقٍ
فتنت وكحَّلَ طرفَه بفتورِ

4. As if his cheek were a plate of jewels
With pearls glittering on it

٤. وكأنَّ عارضَه صفيحةُ جوهرٍ
متنمنماً فيها عِذارَ غَريرِ

5. In it form has drawn a line of elegance
Engraved from darkness into light

٥. قد خطَّ فيه الشَّكلُ خَطَّ لبَاقَةٍ
منقوشةٍ من ظلمةٍ في نورِ

6. So now he who is infatuated with his love is excused
Since the cleverness of his apology has fortified him

٦. فالآن يُعذرُ من يهيم بحبِّه
إذ حصَّنَته ملاحةُ التعذيرِ

7. The water of cheerfulness ever laughs in his face
Like the face of a harbinger of glad tidings

٧. ماء البشاشة ضاحك في وجههه
أبداً كوجهِ مبشِّرٍ بسرورِ

8. The sway of his coquetry shakes him as if
He were a rose kissing the scattered pearls

٨. دَلُّ الملاحِ يهزُّه فكأنَّه
وردٌ يُقَبِّل غُرَّةَ المنثورِ

9. Whenever the coquettes see him they sigh
With envy like the sigh of a forsaken lover

٩. كلُّ المِلاح إذا تراه تحسَّروا
حسداً كحسرة عاشقٍ مهجورِ

10. Indeed I reckon his beauty peerless
As it is unmatched and has no peer

١٠. إني لأحسب حُسنَه متفرِّداً
إذ كان منفرداً بغير نظيرِ

11. How many a lover in the courtyard of his abode
Like the bowing of Moses in the courtyard of Mount Tur

١١. كم عاشقٍ بفناء عرصة دارِه
كركوع موسى في فناء الطورِ

12. When he appears with his banners it is as if they
Were captives who have sighted the face of the prince

١٢. فإذا بدا بلوائه فكأنهم
أسرى وقد بَصُروا بوجهِ أميرِ