
Do you not see the tears of the eyes flowing down the cheek

أما تبصر دمع العي

1. Do you not see the tears of the eyes flowing down the cheek
Whenever the heart becomes desolate?

١. أما تُبصِر دمعَ العي
ن سكّاباً على الخدِّ

2. For when the heart grieves, the eyes lament,
And none complains of what befalls him

٢. إذا ما سَهِدَ القلبُ
فإن القلبَ يستعدي

3. Except after exertion and effort.
Oh, would that you were in my heart!

٣. وما يشكو الذي يلقا
ه إلا من ورا جهدِ

4. Perhaps you would see what is within me.
I will hasten you to be near

٤. فيا ليتك في قلبي
عسى تبصر ما عندي

5. And I will hasten you to be far.
So be to me however you wish,

٥. سأرعاك على القرب
وأرعاك على البُعدِ

6. Whether in union or separation.
And if I were to die of passion,

٦. فكُن لي كيفما أحبب
تَ من وصلٍ ومن صدِّ

7. I would not abandon my vow.
I sought the union for myself alone,

٧. فلو مُتُّ من الوجدِ
لما حلتُ عن العهدِ

8. Thus I was denied it, alone.

٨. طلبت الوصل لي وحدي
كذا أُحرِمتُه وحدي