
A face perfect in its beauty

وجه تكامل حسنه

1. A face perfect in its beauty
When adorned by bashfulness

١. وجهٌ تكامَلَ حُسنُه
لمّا تطرَّفَه عِذَارُهْ

2. The sword is finest when seen
With its blade still shining new

٢. والسيف أحسن ما يُرى
ما كان مُخضَرّاً غِرَارُهْ

3. A branch I planted in sorrow
Now that its fruit is ripe and true

٣. غصنٌ شقيتُ بغرسه
فالآن حين زكت ثِمارُهْ

4. Spiteful tongues try to turn it
Yet my heart holds it fast and true

٤. عطف الوشاةُ فُرُوعَهُ
عنّي وفي قلبي قرارُهْ