
The pangs of separation are mixed with regrets,

غصص الفراق مزجن بالحسرات

1. The pangs of separation are mixed with regrets,
And parting with the one I love is like parting with life.

١. غصصُ الفراقِ مُزِجنَ بالحسَراتِ
وفراق مَن أهوى فراق حياتي

2. It is surprising that one who is far from their beloved,
Does not die from excessive sighs.

٢. عجبٌ لمَن يبقى لبُعد حبيبه
أن لا يموتَ بكثرة الزفراتِ

3. Animals die at their appointed time,
While lovers have ingenious ways of dying.

٣. موت البريَّة عند وقت وفاتِها
والعاشقون لهم فنونُ مماتِ

4. Whoever has not tasted the flavor of youth and passion,
And been a youth, is counted among the dead.

٤. مَن لم يَذُق طَعم الصبابة والهوى
ويكون صباً عُدَّ في الأمواتِ