
Beautiful are his stature and eyelashes

مليح القد والحدقه

1. Beautiful are his stature and eyelashes
Exquisite is he who created him

١. مَليحُ القَدِّ والحَدَقَهْ
بديعٌ والذي خلقَهْ

2. He has a mole on his cheek
That cuts the hearts of those who love him

٢. له خالٌ بوجنته
يقطِّع قلبَ مَن عشِقَه

3. He has two temples of beauty
On his cheeks like a ring

٣. له صُدغانِ من حُسنٍ
على الخدينِ كالحَلَقَه

4. You see him, time does me justice
And gives me sympathy

٤. تراه الدهرَ يُنصفني
ويُوليني من الشَّفَقَه