1. They brought the doctor to me and asked him,
But the doctor did not know how to respond.
١. أتوني بالطبيب فساءَلُوه
فلم يدرِ الطبيبُ بما يجيبُ
2. He gave me a drink that did nothing,
Except increase the burning in my heart.
٢. سقاني شربةً لم تُغنِ شيئاً
سوى أن زاد في القلب اللَّهيبُ
3. So I said to him, "Leave me to my illness,
And go attend to your own affairs, O doctor."
٣. فقلتُ له ألا دعني لدائي
وقم واذهب لشأنك يا طبيبُ
4. My remedy is in the hands of the one who is my illness.
When asked what the remedy was, I said, "My beloved."
٤. دوائي في يدَي من كان دائي
فقال وما الدَّوا قلتُ الحبيبُ