1. A breeze's fragrance amid the shade of water
And a statue of light against the expanse of air
١. نسيم عبيرٍ في غلالة ماءِ
وتمثال نور في أديم هواءِ
2. It told of a moist pearl veiled in essence
Purified by the utmost gentleness and clarity
٢. حكى لؤلؤاً رطباً مُغَشّىً بجوهرٍ
مصفّىً بفرطَي رقةٍ وصفاءِ
3. Indeed the Merciful had mercy on the delicacy of his body
So He clothed him in a cloak of His light
٣. لقد رحم الرحمنُ رقة جسمه
فجلَّله من نوره برِداء
4. He appears an angel in beauty, in his supremacy
For from light comes light, in brilliance upon brilliance
٤. يُرى مَلَكاً في الحسن في جبروته
فمن نور نورٍ في ضياء ضياءِ
5. He is robed in a robe of beauty and wears
A cloak of glory embroidered with splendor
٥. تسربل سربالاً من الحسن وارتدى
رداءَ جمالٍ طُرِّزا ببهاءِ
6. I was bewildered by him, I cannot aptly describe him
Though I am among the most eloquent poets
٦. تحيَّرتُ فيه لستُ أُحسِن وصفَه
على أنني من أوصف الشعراءِ
7. If he were in Joseph's time, the hearts
Of men would be torn, not just women
٧. فلو أنه في عهد يوسف قُطِّعت
قلوبُ رجالٍ لا أكُفُّ نساءِ
8. With the glances of his eyes he directs affairs
Killing us without shedding blood
٨. يُدير إداراتٍ بسيفَي لحاظهِ
فيقتلنا من غير سفك دماء