
In the evening I bid him good morning, so he said to me,

صبحته عند المساء فقال لي

1. In the evening I bid him good morning, so he said to me,
"What is this talk, do you think this a jest?"

١. صبَّحتُه عند المساء فقال لي
ماذا الكلام وظنَّ ذاك مزاحا

2. So I was more perplexed on top of my first perplexity,
And I knew that I had come with a mistake.

٢. فازددتُ دهشاً فوق دهش أوَّلٍ
وعلمتُ أني قد أتيتُ جناحا

3. Do well, Abu Hasan, for your goodness distracted me,
Until I imagined the evening as morning.

٣. أحسن أبا حسن فحسنُك راعني
حتى توهَّمتُ المساء صباحا

4. Do not wonder, for if your face appeared
In darkness, I would reckon it a lamp.

٤. لا تعجبنَّ فإن وجهك لو بدا
في ظلمةٍ لحسبته مصباحا

5. You are the one who confused me with charm
That made the morning of the worlds ugly.

٥. أنت الذي حيرتني بملاحةٍ
تركت صِباحَ العالمين قِباحا

6. How much you have tempted without seeking temptation!
How much you have killed without bearing arms!

٦. كم قد فتنتَ وما سعيتَ لفتنةٍ
كم قد قتلتَ وما حملتَ سلاحا