1. He has learned to wander aimlessly, so he never turns back,
And he has embraced injustice, so he never makes amends.
١. تعلَّمَ التيهَ فما يعطفُ
واستحسن الظلمَ فما يُنصفُ
2. He was not like this before, but I
Taught him what he did not know.
٢. ما هكذا كان ولكنَّني
عرَّفتُه ما لم يكن يعرفُ
3. Patience is essential, for what can a man do
When tasked with a duty that exhausts him?
٣. لا بدَّ من صَبرٍ فما يصنع ال
إنسانُ في مهمهةٍ يتلفُ