1. An idol whose beauty is clothed by his description,
Who has captivated hearts with his charm and elegance.
١. صنمٌ تسربل شكله من وَصفِهِ
فسَبى القلوبَ بحسنه وبظَرفِهِ
2. The beauties of Joseph are gathered on his face,
And so all souls are in his grasp.
٢. جُمِعت محاسن يوسفٍ في وجهه
فجميع أرواح العباد بكفِّهِ
3. The sun borrows its light from his light,
And the maidens derive their depictions from his depiction.
٣. فالشمس تقبس نورها من نوره
والحور يؤخذ وصفُها من وصفِه
4. When his glances fall ill, it is as though
Harut has stolen their magic with a turn of his eye.
٤. فإذا تَمَرَّضَ لحظُه فكأنَّما
هاروت يسرق سحره من طرفِهِ
5. Wondrously, he has a cheek kindled like embers,
Yet the water of his brilliance does not extinguish it.
٥. عجباً له خداً توقَّد جمرةً
وعليه ماء بهائه لم يُطفِهِ
6. And when his cheek turns rosy, it is as though
The garden of roses displays its blossoms at the moment of plucking.
٦. وإذا تورَّد خدُّه فكأنما
يُبدي جنيَّ الورد ساعة قطفِهِ
7. And when he smiles with the hillocks of his mouth,
You see a string of pearls arranged on his lips.
٧. وإذا تبسَّم عن تلالي ثغره
أبصرتَ سمطَي لؤلؤٍ في رصفِهِ
8. And when he walks, bewitching all creation with his swaying gait
From his hips and his heavy tread,
٨. وإذا مشى فتن الورى بتخفُّفٍ
من خصره وتثقُّلٍ من ردفِهِ
9. His branches sway above him,
And his waves surge behind him.
٩. فتمايلت أغصانُه من فوقه
وترجرجت أمواجُه من خلفِهِ
10. He nearly enters into himself gently
And half of him spills out of the other half.
١٠. فيكاد يدخل بعضُه في بعضِهِ
ليناً ويسقط نصفُه من نصفِهِ
11. The attributes of Muhammad have gathered and mingled,
For he is clothed in his majesty and kindness.
١١. جلَّت صفاتُ محمدٍ وتلاطفت
فقد ارتدى بجلاله وبلطفِهِ
12. Far be it that I compare his face
To a moon flawed by its deficiencies and eclipses!
١٢. حاشا حبيبي أن أُشبِّه وجهه
قمراً يُعاب بنقصه وبخسفِهِ
13. I have no patience to be without his company and discourse,
For intimacy cannot endure being deprived of its intimacy.
١٣. لا صبر لي عن أُنسه وحديثه
والإلف ليس بصابرٍ عن إلفِهِ
14. I die from his distance and aloofness,
And so I live by his nearness and kindness.
١٤. إني أموت ببُعده وبصدِّه
وكذا أعيش بقربه وبعطفِهِ