
Nothing is better than two lovers who have divided

لا شيء أحسن من إلفين قد قسما

1. Nothing is better than two lovers who have divided
The beauty of caring and sincerity between them

١. لا شيء أحسن من إلفَينِ قد قسما
حسنَ الرعاية والإخلاص بينهما

2. They shared beauty and benevolence so they blended
In passions, thus becoming a symbol for desire

٢. تقاسما الحسن والإحسان فامتزجا
على الصفات فصارا في الهوى عَلَما

3. As if a pen had shaped both of their forms
Rather, it was God's kindness, not a pen

٣. كأنَّما قلمٌ قد خطَّ شكلَهما
بل كان ذلك لطفَ اللَه لا قلما

4. You see amiability and refinement between them
Gardens and meadows where wisdom grows

٤. ترى الفكاهة والآداب بينهما
حدائقاً ورياضاً تنبت الحِكَما

5. They were given of the arts of beauty what they wished for
And they were appointed the judges of fate's twists and turns

٥. قد أُعطِيا من فنون الشكل ما اشتهيا
وحُكِّما في صروف الدهر فاحتكما

6. And when one is safe, the other rejoices with elation
For knowing their beloved is unharmed

٦. وحين يسلم هذا يزدهي فرحاً
لعِلمِه أنَّ مَن يهواه قد سلما

7. If they were to move, their form would scatter, and if they spoke
Scattering pearls, prose and verse, and whatever was composed

٧. لو حُرِّكا انتثرا شكلاً وإن نطقا
تناثرا لؤلؤاً نظماً وما نُظِما

8. Preserving from fault has become suspicious to the eye of fault
So you will never see either of them accused of a fault

٨. صار الحفاظُ لعين العيب مُتَّهِماً
فلن ترى منهما بالعَيب مُتَّهَما

9. They suckled faithfulness, their life together
Even if weaned, they would have died and not been weaned

٩. تراضَعا بوفاءٍ كان عيشهما
منه ولو فُطِما ماتا وما انفطما

10. It's as if their two souls are one soul, so you see
Their love and passion as one in all they fancied

١٠. كأنَّ رُوحَيهما روح فأنت ترى
وهميهما واحداً في كلِّ ما وَهِما

11. And one does not dream a dream while sleeping
Unless the other dreamed that very same dream

١١. وليس يحلم ذا حلماً برقدته
إلا وهذا بذاك الحلم قد حلما

12. Marvel at two lovers, even if one were tortured with fire
And the other reveling in Paradise and its bounty

١٢. أعجبْ بإلفَينِ لو بالنار عُذِّبَ ذا
وذاك في جنَّة الفردوس قد نعما

13. This one would delight in the delight of the other
And this one would anguish in that same anguish

١٣. لكان ينعم هذا من تنعُّم ذا
وكان يألم هذا ذلك الألما

14. A beautiful concordance manifesting beyond the unseen between them
In every state, you see time harmonized

١٤. حُسن اتِّفاقٍ بظهر الغيب بينهما
في كلِّ حالٍ تراه الدهرَ ملتئما

15. If one fell ill, he would be devastated
Knowing their beloved has fallen sick

١٥. لو مسَّ ذا سَقَمٌ قامت قيامتُه
لعِلمه أنَّ مَن يهواه قد سقما

16. Such is the affection of the loyal, thus
Hearts become pure, illuminating their darkness

١٦. كذا يكون وداد الأصفياء كذا
تصفو القلوبُ فيجلو نورُها الظُّلَما

17. I wish two lovers, even if tempted by sin
Would never reach the regret of confusion

١٧. سَقياً لإلفَين لو هَمّا بمَقلِيَةٍ
ما همَّ أن يبلغا من حيرةٍ نَدَما

18. They resembled in loyalty so they became intimate
While betrayal and deceit from this one and that one vanished

١٨. تشاكلا في دوام العهد فائتلفا
والختل والغدر من هذا وذا عَدِما

19. They extracted the intimacies of companionship between them
Pure, so even if they saw their own shadows, they'd be shy

١٩. استخلصا خلوات الأُنس بينهما
محضاً فلو أبصرا ظلَّيهما احتشما

20. If left alone for eternity, engrossed
In amorousness, they wouldn't be bored or bothered

٢٠. لو خُلِّيا سرمدَ الدنيا قد انفردا
عند التغازل ما مَلّا وما بَرِما

21. Nor did they want isolation their whole lives
As if they drank from the other and found the taste pleasant

٢١. ولا أرادا اعتزالاً طول عمرهما
كأنما شَرِبا من ذا وقد طَعِما

22. This one delights in the other's complains and lets him know
And in their mutual delight, they confirm what was known

٢٢. يلتذُّ هذا لشكوى ذا ويَعلَمه
وفي التذاذهما تصديق ما عُلِما

23. Each one has a sanctuary in safeguarding their companion
And no protected place would befriend a sanctuary

٢٣. كلٌّ له حَرَمٌ من صون صاحبه
ولن يُصاد مصونٌ يألف الحَرَما

24. So all they did before fortifying themselves
With affection, they have cleansed since fortifying

٢٤. فكلُّ ما فعلا قبل اعتصامهما
بالودِّ قد طهرا منه مذ اعتصما

25. Like pre-Islamic ignorance cleansed by Islam
Its sins washed away and Islam negated what was sinned

٢٥. كالجاهليَّة بالإسلام قد غُسِلت
ذنوبُها ونفى الإسلامُ ما اجتُرِما

26. Passion became a religion that protected them
From misdeeds, neither blamed nor accused

٢٦. صار الهوى لهما دِيناً فصانهما
عن المساءة ما عِيبا ولا اتُّهِما

27. Indeed, if lovers remain confident
They enjoy life, and the world caters to them

٢٧. إنَّ المُحبين إن داما على ثقةٍ
تَهنَّيا العيشَ والدنيا صفت لهما

28. Each one's innermost thoughts are revealed to their companion
Through all they expressed after what they concealed

٢٨. كُلٌّ لصاحبه تُبلى سرائرهُ
بكلِّ ما أظهرا من بعد ما كتما

29. For lovers, in the purity of passion, there are blessings
If they give thanks, they increase in blessings

٢٩. فللمحبِّينَ في صفو الهوى نِعَمٌ
إن يشكروهنَّ يزدادوا بها نِعَما

30. Oh Lord, passion can hardly be endured
Except by the noble, so increase lovers in nobility

٣٠. يا ربّ إنَّ الهوى لا كاد يحمله
إلا الكرام فزِد أهلَ الهوى كرما