
I come to this world though I have no need

وإني لآتي الأرض مالي حاجة

1. I come to this world though I have no need
Of anything here but you—no creed

١. وَإِنّي لَآتي الأَرضَ مالي حاجَةٌ
سِواكِ وَلا دَينٌ بِها أَنا طالِبُه

2. To seek. So staying would be cruel,
But leaving breaks my heart, poor fool.

٢. فَإِتيانُها ظُلمٌ وَهِجرانُها جَوىً
بَرى أَعظُمى أَن لا تُغِبَّ نَوائِبُه