
Shall I not inform you, O sons of Quraym

ألا أبلغ لديك بني قريم

1. Shall I not inform you, O sons of Quraym
Bound in fetters, brought by the experienced one

١. أَلا أَبلِغ لَدَيكَ بَني قُرَيمٍ
مُغَلغَلَةً يَجىءُ بِها الخَبيرُ

2. Oh, would that Uhayhan son of Lu'ayy
Had writhed amidst them when they were stirred

٢. أَلا يا لَيتَ أُهبانَ بنَ لُعطٍ
تَلَفَّتَ وَسطَهُم حينَ اِستُثيروا

3. So he kills or sees clear loss
If only you knew that, O Nasur

٣. فَيَقتُل أَو يَرى غَبنا مُبينا
وَذلِكَ لَو عَلِمتَ بِهِ نَصورُ

4. As if the people were from the arrows of Ibn Rumh
When the red sparks flash over them heatedly

٤. كَأَنَّ القَومَ مِن نَبلِ اِبنِ رُمحٍ
إِذا القَمراءُ تَلفَحُهُم سَعيرُ

5. We brought them in a single file, pulling tight
On their camel stallion, abundant is the flow

٥. جَلَبناهُم عَلى الوَتَرَينِ شَدّاً
عَلى أَستاهِهِم وَشَلٌ غَزيرُ

6. I strove for you over trembling and loose ground
When the heat flared on your faces

٦. سَعَيتُ لَكُم عَلى رَجفٍ وَطَرٍّ
إِذا لَفَحَت وُجوهَكُم الحَرورُ