
Did you not see that our neighbors rebelled

ألم تر أن جيرتنا استقلوا

1. Did you not see that our neighbors rebelled
While our purpose and theirs were poles apart?

١. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ جيرَتَنا اِستَقَلّوا
فَنِيَّتُنا وَنَيَّتُهُم فَريقُ

2. My tears are smooth pearls which freely flow
Down precipices, as befits their start

٢. فَدَمعي لُؤلُؤٌ سَلِسٌ عُراهُ
يَخِرُّ عَلى المَهاوي ما يَليقُ

3. You lost Suleima when you cast her off;
Yet, for her memory you are sick at heart

٣. عَدَت ما رُمتَ إِذ شَحَطَت سُلَيمى
وَأَنتَ لِذِكرِها طَرِبٌ مَشوقُ

4. Bid her farewell, though she's a gracious dame
Of refined manner and delicate art

٤. فَوَدِّعها وَإِن كانَت أَناةً
مُبَتَّلَةً لَها خَلقٌ أَنيَقُ

5. She charms a man with lively badinage
And gives him looks that pierce him like a dart

٥. تُلَهّي المَرءَ بِالحُدثانِ لَهواً
وَتَحدِجُهُ كَما حُدِجَ المُطيقُ

6. For if tomorrow you but saw us lead
A herd of camels, bleating as we start,

٦. فَإِنَّكَ لَو رَأَيتَ غَداةَ جِئنا
بِبطنِ أُثالَ ضاحِيَةً نَسوقُ

7. As ransom for my aunts, Bani Huyay's kin,
Especially the day men's souls depart,

٧. فِداءٌ خالَتي لِبَني حُيَيٍّ
خُصوصاً يَومَ كُسُّ القَومِ روقُ

8. They showed patience - lifelong their fortitude -
When straitened circumstances played their part,

٨. هُمُ صَبَروا وَصَبرُهُم تَليدٌ
عَلى العَزّاءِ إِذ بَلَغَ المَضيقُ

9. So they repelled death's grip till it relaxed
Its hold, when nearly past hope's final mart

٩. وَهُم دَفَعوا المَنِيَّةَ فَاِستَقَلَّت
دِراكاً بَعدَ ما كادَت تَحيقُ

10. Thurayf's absence made us ill at ease
Some being with the others quick to take umbrage

١٠. تَلاقَينا بِغَيبَةِ ذي طُرَيفٍ
وَبَعضُهُم عَلى بَعضٍ حَنيقُ

11. So they advanced, their company a chill,
Like a torrent we found hard to dispart,

١١. فَجاؤوا عارِضاً بَرِداً وَجِئنا
كَسَيلِ العِرضِ ضاقَ بِهِ الطَريقُ

12. We walked towards them and they walked to us,
Saying: "this day rights will be paid their part!"

١٢. مَشَينا شَطرَهُم وَمَشَوا إِلَينا
وَقُلنا اليَومَ ما تُقضى الحُقوقُ

13. We shot them with arrows in their faces
That choked their throats and pierced them to the heart

١٣. رَمَينا في وُجوهِهِمُ بِرِشقٍ
تَغَصُّ بِهِ الحَناجِرُ وَالحُلوقُ

14. You would think our arrows in their midst were locusts
Guided by a shrewd and skillful art,

١٤. كَأَنَّ النَبلَ بَينَهُم جَرادٌ
تُكَفّيهِ شَآمِيَةٌ خَريقُ

15. It amazes me to see among them
A warrior, save for his hands, in one piece, a part,

١٥. وَبَسلٌ أَن تَرى فيهِم كَمِيّاً
كَبا لِيَدَيهِ إِلّا فيهِ فوقُ

16. Brandishing a naked sword wherein
Are death's fangs or else a piercing dart,

١٦. يُهَزهِزُ صَعدَةً جَرداءَ فيها
سِنانُ المَوتِ أَو قَرنٌ مَحيقُ

17. We found the lotus tree infirm and frail
Though its spring was once its strength and counterpart,

١٧. وَجَدنا السِدرَ خَوّاراً ضَعيفاً
وَكانَ النَبعُ مَنبِتُهُ وَثيقُ

18. We met Jahim - Tha'labah bin Sayr's ally -
Ruinous to those he rallies or holds apart,

١٨. لَقينا الجَهمَ ثَعلَبَةَ بنَ سَيرٍ
أَضَرَّ بِمَن يُجَمِّعُ أَو يَسوقُ

19. When the flags of some boys became visible
And some of them the horsemen put to flight and scared,

١٩. لَدى الأَعلامِ مِن تَلَعاتِ طِفلٍ
وِمِنهُم مَن أَضَجَّ بِهِ الفُروقُ

20. They turned away from Amr bin Awf's sons,
Though the days of life for them were gentle and choice from the start,

٢٠. فَحَوَّطَ عَن بَني عَمرُو بنَ عَوفٍ
وَأَفناءُ العُمورِ بِها شَفيقُ

21. We lunged with spears - deadly blows
Not grazing helmets - all mankind's mortal part,

٢١. فَأَلقَينا الرِماحَ وَكانَ ضَرباً
مَقيلَ الهامِ كُلٌّ ما يَذوقُ

22. We surmounted death's pangs with honor intact,
While Tha'labah's slayer's wounds spilled blood red as rich paint,

٢٢. وَجاوَزنا المَنونَ بِغَيرِ نِكسٍ
وَخاظي الجِلزِ ثَعلَبُهُ دَميقُ

23. Our battle's fury, when we joined the fight
Was like Aba'ah's blaze with fierce sparks that dart,

٢٣. كَأَنَّ هَزيزَنا يَومَ التَقَينا
هَزيزُ أَباءَةٍ فيها حَريقُ

24. With every group of horse, and every horseman
A young man's fingers or else a battered head, a part,

٢٤. بِكُلِّ قَرارَةٍ وَبِكُلِّ ريعٍ
بَنانُ فَتىً وَجُمجُمَةٌ فَليقُ

25. And many a lord of ours and many a lord of theirs
Lay prone at Thu'al-Tharaf, his speech a final soft sigh ere depart,

٢٥. وَكَم مِن سَيِّدِ مِنّا وِمِنهُم
بِذي الطَرفاءِ مَنطِقُهُ شَهيقُ

26. With every warrior whose gaping wounds
I left on a youth whose smile was kind and his speech gentle, mild,

٢٦. بِكُلِّ مَجالَةٍ غادَرتُ خِرقاً
مِنَ الفِتيانِ مَبسِمُهُ رَقيقُ

27. We sated the beasts, and they sated them
Till all withdrew, having eaten their fill - nay, more than their part,

٢٧. فَأَشبَعنا السِباعَ وَأَشبَعوها
فَراحَت كُلُّها تَئِقٌ يَفوقُ

28. We left the lame crouching over them
While crows gloated, cawing their surfeit till they were distraught,

٢٨. تَرَكنا العُرجَ عاكِفَةً عَلَيهِم
وَللِغِربانِ مِن شِبَعٍ نَغيقُ

29. Their women wept and they wept for our women,
Unseemly their weeping and wild their cries and lamentations that start,

٢٩. فَأَبكَينا نِساءَهُم وَأَبكوا
نِساءً ما يَسوغُ لَهُنَّ ريقُ

30. Answering keening with all sorts of wails
Till their voices were harsh and hoarse, broken from anguish of heart,

٣٠. يُجاوِبنَ النِياحَ بِكُلِّ فَجرٍ
فَقَد صَحِلَت مِنَ النَوحِ الحُلوقُ

31. We killed Al-Harith Al-Waddah, that knight;
He fell as though his neck was cut with a sharp blade,

٣١. قَتَلنا الحارِثَ الوَضّاحَ مِنهُم
فَخَرَّ كَأَنَّ لِمَّتَهُ العُذوقُ

32. Spears of Bani Huyay's sons reached him,
He fell like a bucket pulled up from a well by rope, unstrung,

٣٢. أَصابَتهُ رِماحُ بَني حِيَيٍّ
فَخَرَّ كَأَنَّهُ سَيفٌ دَلوقُ

33. And they, with him, killed one of our lads,
A generous soul, untainted by sins that curse and malign,

٣٣. وَقَد قَتلوا بِهِ مِنّا غُلاماً
كَريماً لَم تُؤَشِّبهُ العُروقُ

34. Tha'labah bin Sayr charged at Sa'ilah
And Sa'ilah destroyed Tha'labah, that fateful day.

٣٤. وَسائِلَةٍ بِثَعلَبَةَ بنِ سَيرٍ
وَقَد أَودَت بِثَعلَبَةَ العَلوقُ

35. Yet Ibn Qurran escaped, wounded,
The holes gaping in him like the hollow of a flask scorched black as if coal-charred

٣٥. وَأَفلَتَنا اِبنُ قُرّانٍ جَريضاً
تَمُرُّ بِهِ مُساعِفَةٌ حَروقُ

36. His sturdy she-camel cleaved the earth
With her flowing tail, and he guided her steadily though his body was marred,

٣٦. تَشُقُّ الأَرضَ شائِلَةَ الذُنابى
وَهاديها كَأَن جِذعٌ سَحوقُ

37. When they despaired of our patience,
The tribes were reminded of their duties, pact, oath - honor's reward,

٣٧. فَلَمّا اِستَيقَنوا بِالصَبرِ مِنّا
تُذُكِّرَتِ العَشائِرُ وَالحَزيقُ

38. We remained steadfast, though had we left
We'd be denounced as people who wouldn't lead or follow toward,

٣٨. فَأَبقَينا وَلَو تَرَكنا
لُجَيماً لا تَقودُ وَلا تَسوقُ

39. We brought woe upon them and glory upon us
In every stance you will find us staunch, faithful to our word!

٣٩. وَأَنعَمنا وَأَبأَسنا عَلَيهِم
لَنا في كُلِّ أَبياتٍ طَليقُ