1. I knew love when I knew your love,
And closed my heart to those who opposed you.
١. عرفت الهوى مذ عرفت هواك
وأغلقت قلبي عن من عاداك
2. And I began whispering to you, O you who sees
The secrets of hearts though we do not see you.
٢. وقمت أناجيك يا من ترى
خفايا القلوب ولسنا نراك
3. I love you with two loves - the love of passion
And love because you are worthy of that.
٣. أحبك حبين حب الهوى
وحباً لأنك أهل لذاك
4. As for the love which is the love of passion,
My occupation with remembering you distracts me from all others.
٤. فأما الذي هو حب الهوى
فشغلي بذكرك عمن سواك
5. And as for the love for which you are worthy,
You uncovered the veils for me until I saw you.
٥. وأما الذي أنت أهل له
فكشفك لي الحجب حتى أراك
6. So neither praise in that nor that is mine,
But praise is yours, in this and that.
٦. فلا الحمد في ولا ذاك لي
ولكن لك الحمد فى ذا وذاك
7. I yearn with two yearnings - the yearning of passion
And yearning for the nearness of the beloved to your sanctuary.
٧. أشتاق شوقين شوق النوى
وشوقاً لقرب الخلي من حماك
8. So as for that which is the yearning of passion,
My streaming tears are for the length of your absence.
٨. فأما الذى هو شوق النوى
فمسيرى الدموع لطول نواك
9. And as for my yearning for the nearness of the beloved,
It is the fire of life that has waned in your absence.
٩. وأما اشتياقى لقرب الحمى
فنار حياة خبت في ضياك
10. And I do not complain of love's anguish,
I am content with what you have decided for me in your guidance.
١٠. ولست على الشجو أشكو الهوى
رضيت بما شئت لى في هداك