1. You come to Salima's abode though you do not visit her,
And desire has diverted you from her and her lord.
١. نأتكَ سُلَيمى دارَها لا تَزورُها
وَشَطَّ بها عَنكَ النَوى وَأَميرُها
2. I did not fear separation from her until I saw
Her, heading towards the hamlet, with her camel train.
٢. وَما خِفتُ مِنها البَينَ حَتّى رأَيتُها
مَيمِّمَةً نَحوَ القُرَيَّةِ عيرُها
3. Over them are russet cloaks from spotted camels,
Their faces peering out from beneath the litters.
٣. عليهنَّ أُدمٌ من ظِباءِ تَبالَةٍ
خَوارِجُ من تَحتِ الخُدورِ نحورُها
4. Among them is a fair-cheeked girl child,
Calm as you, though it would not harm her to be angry.
٤. وَفيهن بَيضاءُ العَوارِضِ طَفلَةٌ
كَهَمِّكَ لَو جادَت بِما لا يَضيرُها
5. My love for her was no sin, except
That Salima's name keeps occurring in my poetry.
٥. وَما كانَ طِبّي حُبُّها غير أَنَّهُ
يَقومُ لِسَلمى في القَوافي صُدورُها
6. But tell me, did our spy come to her
With the news of the Iraqi when her warner came to her?
٦. فَدَع ذا وَلكن هَل أَتاها مُغارُنا
بِذات العَراقي إِذ أَتاها نَذيرُها
7. With a fiery, gray she-camel, even were they to butt her against
A pregnant she-camel, her rocks would be shattered.
٧. بِملمومَةٍ شَهباءَ لَو نَطحوا بها
عَمايةَ أَو دَمخاً لَزالَت صخورُها
8. They rouse the clan of Ka'b and call upon Madhij
To help us - Ka'b and the ends of its plains.
٨. يخُضنَ بني كعبٍ وَيدعون مَذحِجاً
لتنصُرَنا كَعبٌ وَكَعبٌ شُطورها
9. When we saw that Ka'b was our foe
And the innermost disease was laid bare,
٩. وَلمّا رَأَينا أَنَّ كَعباً عدوُّنا
وَأَبدى دفينَ الداءِ منها ضَميرُها
10. We called upon our father, alive Ka'b ibn Malik -
To him the great claim has devolved.
١٠. دَعونا أَبانا حَيَّ كعبِ بنِ مالِكٍ
وَقَد آلَتِ الدعوى إِلَيها كَبيرُها
11. So there rose against them from Qutaybah a band
And from Wail, fierce in war, its helpers.
١١. فَثارَت إِليهم من قُتَيبةَ عُصبَةٌ
وَمن وائِلٍ في الحَربِ يَحمي نَفيرُها
12. They milled around for a time, and we made them
Go round, ravaging its corners and circling it.
١٢. فَدارَت رَحانا ساعَةً وَرَحاهُمُ
نُثَلِّمُ من أَركانِها وَنُديرُها
13. With every short-speared, squat warrior,
And with the slow, heavily-armed cavalry,
١٣. بِكُلِّ رُدَينيٍّ أَصمَّ مُذَرَّبٍ
وَبالمَشرَفيّاتِ البطيءِ حُسورُها
14. With blows that remove resolve from its dwelling,
And stabs like the bursting of waters in childbirth,
١٤. بضربٍ يُزيلُ الهامَ عَن مُستَقَرِّهِ
وَطَعنٍ كإِيزاغِ المَخاضِ يَثورُها
15. With forelocks whose stallions they restrain when attacking,
Neighing in the desolate heights amid its warriors,
١٥. وَشُعثٍ نواصيهُنَّ يَزجُرنَ مُقدِماً
يُحَمحِمُ في صُمِّ العَوالي ذُكورُها
16. When they bivouac, over the desolate heights come to them
Swarms of arrows, like locusts taking flight.
١٦. إِذا انتَسؤوا فَوتَ العَوالي أَتَتهم
عَوائِرُ نَبلٍ كالجَرادِ تُطيرُها
17. So we left not between warrior and charging horseman
A single life, except gorged with our hawks.
١٧. فَما إِن تَرَكنا بينَ قَوٍّ وَضارِجٍ
وَلا صاحَةٍ إِلّا شِباعاً نُسورُها
18. And we came with the likes of splendid camels from their women -
Bosoms pure as the Qana and Mashrafi camels,
١٨. وَجِئنا بأَمثالِ المَها من نِسائِهِم
صُدورُ القَنا وَالمَشرَفيّ مُهورُها
19. And a prize chestnut or dun mare
Hopeful of a foal from her sons who raids her,
١٩. ونَهديةً شَمطاءَ أَو حرثيَّةً
تُؤَمِّلُ سَيباً من بَنيها يُغيرُها
20. Who looks on the sons of Khamis in awe -
The vanguard of horses no armor protects its leader.
٢٠. فتنظُر أَبناءَ الخَميسِ أَراعَها
أَوائِلُ خَيلِ لَم يُدَرَّع بَشيرُها
21. Thus she returns to weeping copiously
And her mucus and tears return to her.
٢١. فآبَت إِلى تَثليثَ تذرِفُ عَينُها
وَعادَ إِلَيها صَمغُها وَبَريرُها