
Nothing remains of the news of Ju`fi except leadership, obedience, and lessons

لم يبق من خبر الجعفي باقية

1. Nothing remains of the news of Ju`fi except leadership, obedience, and lessons
Give me back the beauty of the living one, so bear patiently

١. لَم يَبقَ مِن خَبَرِ الجُعفِيِّ باقِيَةٌ
إِلّا الأَمائِرُ وَالأَنطاعُ وَالدُرُسُ

2. For they have despaired of their own souls when they saw us walking in their abodes
Like camels walking in the blazing sun

٢. رُدّي إِلَيك جَمالَ الحَيِّ فَاِحتَمِلي
فَإِنَّهُم مِن نُفوسِ القَومِ قَد يَئِسوا

3. They were like lions one day at the battleground, but when the encounter occurred and the spears were directed, they fell silent
No sound is heard from us except mumbling

٣. لَمّا رَأَونا نُمَشّي في دِيارِهِمُ
كَما تُمَشّي الجمالُ الجِلَّةُ الشُمُسُ

4. With the white swords we strike a blow above which are helmets
As for the protection of the armored coats, they have been generous

٤. مِثل اللُيوثِ عَدَت يَوماً لِمُعتَرَكٍ
عِندَ اللِقاءِ وَتَقصيدِ القَنا خَرِسوا

5. In action, and did not become polluted as they became polluted
She gave generously when she saw my anguish

٥. لا يُسمَعُ الصَوتُ مِنّا غَيرَ غَمغَمَةٍ
بِالبيضِ نَضرِبُ هاماً فَوقَها القُنُسُ

6. Above the wailing she glanced in her moments angrily
I gave the breastplate of Ju`fi sharpened

٦. أَمّا حَليلَة ُذُبيانٍ فَقَد كَرُمَت
في الفِعلِ مِنها فَلَم تَدنَس كَما دَنَسوا

7. As if it were a spark when it passed over his chest
The virtues of Ju`fi continued hovering over it

٧. جادَت بِما سُئِلَت لَمّا رَأَت جَزَعي
مِن فَوقِ أَعيَطَ في لَحَظاتِهِ شَوَسُ

8. Far from its seekers is that which they sought!

٨. مَنَحتُ مَشجَعَةَ الجُعفِيَّ مُرهَفَةً
كَأَنَّها حينَ جازَت صَدرَهُ قَبَسُ

٩. ظَلَّت كَرائِمُ جُعفي تَطيفُ بِها
هَيهاتَ مِن طالِبيهِ ذاكَ ما التَمَسوا