
Your fragrance, O Jerusalem, is the scent of arts

دموع على باب القدس

1. Your fragrance, O Jerusalem, is the scent of arts
O flower above the branch of time

١. عُبَيْرُك يَاقُدْس عِطْر الْفَنَن
أَيّا زَهْرَة فَوْق غُصْن الْزَّمَن

2. Your aroma permeates existence
And the secrets of that treasure are obtained

٢. أَرَيْجُك يَعْبَق مِنْه الْوُجُود
وَيَنْهَل أَسْرَار تِلْك الْدِّمَن

3. A poem of poetry told by time
In the rhyme of fate behind the fold

٣. قَصِيْدَة شِعْر رَوَاهَا الْزَّمَان
بِقَافِيَة الْدَّهْر خَلَف الْوَكْن

4. And sang in a sweet melody
With it, how many imaginations has love seduced?

٤. وَرَنَّمَهَا نَغْمَة حُلُّوْة
بِهَا الْعِشْق كَم لِخَيَال فِتَن؟

5. A nightingale sings it in the bushes
Awakening the dormant passion in the soul

٥. يُغْنِي بِهَا بَلْبَل فِي الْهَزِيِع
فَيُوْقِظ فِي الْنَّفْس غَافِي الْشَّجَن

6. With your towering walls
The fort of guidance is protected from weakness

٦. بَشَامِخ أَسْوَارِك الْعَالِيَات
تُحَاط قلْاع الْهَدْى مِن وَهَن

7. And from the Dome of the Rock
For the journey of Isra, the Bringer of Bounties

٧. وَمَن قُبَّة الْصَّخْرَة الْمُغْتَدِى
لِرِحْلَة اسْرَاء حَابِي الْمِنَن

8. To a servant of His who yearning called him
To his footing paired with the world

٨. بِعَبْد لَه قَد دَعَاه الْحَنِيْن
الَي رَحْلِه الْعَالَم الْمُقْتَرِن

9. In the morning, the Beloved called him
To the land of Hebron, so he led the horse

٩. غَدَاة الَيْه دَعَاه الْحَبِيْب
لَأَرْض الْخَلِيْل فَقَاد الْرَّسَن

10. On the night of his ascension to the sky
And his ascension above the highest of heights

١٠. بِلَيْلَة اسَرَائِه لِلْسَّمَاء
وَمَعْرَاجِه فَوْق أَعْلَى الْفَنَن

11. At the Lote Tree of the extreme end
At his arrival, he was paired with safety

١١. بِسِدْرَة اشْرَاقِة الْمُنْتَهَى
بِمَقْدَمِه بِالْأَمَان اقْتَرَن

12. And he returned to Mecca in the morning
And the revelation of heaven rang in his hearing

١٢. وَعَاد الَي مَكَة فِي الْصَّبَاح
وَوَحْي الْسَّمَاء بسَمْع يَرِن

13. He saw wonder in the high domain
And whatever was concealed of his secrets and the manifest

١٣. رَأى عَجَبا فِي مَجَال الْعَلِي
وَمَاضَم مِن سُرَّه وَالْعَلَن

14. He saw Adam, the creation in his horizon
And Moses and Jesus residing in a body

١٤. رَأْى ادَم الْخَلْق فِي أَفْقَه
وَمُوَسَى وَعِيْسَى ثَوَى فِي بَدَن

15. And he spoke to his Lord in His highness
And in the Light, a merging, no higher arts

١٥. وَكَلِمَه رَبَّه فِي عُلَاه
وَفِي الْنُّوْر زُج لَاعَلَى فَنَن

16. The Prophet of guidance, seal of the Messengers
And demolisher of idols from idolatry

١٦. نبي الْهَدْى خَاتَم الْمُرْسَلِيْن
وَهَادِم اّلَهَة مِن وَثَن

17. To a mosque I came from a mosque
And Gabriel trotting with Burāq swift

١٧. إلى مَسْجِد جِئْت مِن مَسْجِد
وَجِبْرِيْل يَحْدُو بِرّاقا حَرَن

18. So he said to him: wait, O Burāq
For you carried the Prophet of time

١٨. فَقَال لَه مَه رُوَيْدَا بُرَاق
فَأَنْت حَمَلَت نَبِي الْزَّمَن

19. And you are for him a mount to the earth
In a secret night in the veins of time

١٩. وَأَنْت لَه مُرَكَّب لِلْثَّرِى
بِلَيْل سِرّى فِي عُرُوْق الْدِّمَن

20. On the expanse of his horizon a wing for him
His ship beyond all ships

٢٠. عَلَى مُد أُفُق جُنَاح لَه
سفينته دُوْن كُل الْسُّفُن

21. And where do you see ships for space
Except for the Prophet, no human or Jinn?

٢١. وَأَنِّى ترى سُفُن لْلْفَضَاء
لِغَيْر الْنَّبِي لَانَّس وَجُن؟

22. And if there were any, they are not for good
Like his footing, but to bring tribulations

٢٢. وَإن تَك كَانَت فَلَيْسَت لِخَيْر
كرِحِلْتِه بَل لِجَلْب الْمِحَن

23. The care of the Lord of the worlds around him
And above him, openly or secretly

٢٣. عناية رَب الْوَرَى حَوْلَه
وَمِن فَوْقِه مَابَدَا أَو بَطْن

24. I remembered, O Jerusalem, his ascension
And when he suffered severe distress

٢٤. تَذَكَّرْت يَا قُدْس اسَرَاءَه
وَإذ قَاسى شَدِيْد الْأَحَن

25. And when a people of his challenged him
He prevailed for him and protected the helpless

٢٥. وَحِيْن تَحَدَّاه قَوْم لَه
أَبَر لَه وَوَقَاه الْأَفِن

26. And when you, O Jerusalem, you reminded me
My tears from my agony and sorrow overflowed

٢٦. وَاذ أنت لِي يَاقُدْس لِي قَد ذكَرْت
هَمِّي الْدَّمْع مِن مُهْجَتِي وَالْحَزَن

27. Do you refuse peace envying it
And from its fortress the wronged are demolished?

٢٧. أَبَيْت الْسَّلَام يَغَار عَلَيْه
وَيُهْدَم مِن صَرْحِه المغتبن؟

28. And those near to it are forbidden from it
And the banners of its Islam folded?

٢٨. وَيُحَرِّم مِنَه ذوو قُرْبِه
وَرَايات إسْلَامَه تُؤْتَفن؟

29. And the voice of the doves of guidance muted
So miserable is the garden that was wronged!

٢٩. وَيُخْرِس صَوْت حَمَام الهدى
فَيَا بِئْس بَاغ لَحَق غَبَن!

30. When the people of its Palestine return to it
To its glory or Jericho they settle

٣٠. اذَا عَاد شَعْب فِلِسْطِيْنِه
لِغَزَّته أَو أَرِيْحَا سَكَن

31. In Jerusalem there is a soul for the body that resides
And can a soul live without a body?

٣١. فَفِي الْقُدْس رُوْح لِجِسْم ثَوَى
وَهَل دَوَّن رُوْح يَعِيْش الْبَدَن؟

32. O Jerusalem, O homeland of the eternal
Caesar and the West have passed from you

٣٢. أَيَا قُدْس يَامَوَطِن الْخَالِدِيْن
مُضى عَنْك قَيْصَر وَالْغَرْب جَن

33. And the son of Ayyoub's eyes overflowed with sorrow
When at dawn he saw in you a vanished glory

٣٣. وَعُيِّن ابْن ايُّوْب فَاضَت أُسّى
غَدَاة رَأْى فِيْك مَجْدَا دُفِن

34. And he had liberated the land of eternity
And Richard, the heart of the most sorrowful weakened

٣٤. وَقَد كَان حَرَّر أَرْض الْخُلُوْد
وَرِيَتْشَارْد قَلْب الْأُسِّى قَد وَهَن

35. And he shed bloodied tears
That he did not find it a homeland

٣٥. وَقَد ذرَف الْدَّمْع مِنْه دَمَا
عَلَي أنه لَم يَجِدْهَا وَطَن

36. When Jerusalem rings its bells
And the call to prayer for it is embraced

٣٦. إذا دَقَّت الْقُدُس أَجْرَاسُهَا
وَصَوْت الْأَذان لَهَا قَد حَضَن

37. And he left it forsaking its sorrow
And the disgrace of defeat from it withdrew

٣٧. وَوَدَعَهَا تَارِكَا حُزْنِهَا
وَعَار الْهَزِيمَة مِنْه احْتَجَن