1. The day of crossing, with Egypt's army it repeated
The land of borders and crushed the pegs
١. يَوْم الْعُبُوْر بِجَيْش مِصْر أَعَادَا
أَرْض الْجُدُوْد وَحَطَّم الاوْغّادّا
2. In a scream of a maiden that split its horizons
And consciousness awoke showing Egypt's son his will
٢. فِي صَيْحَة عَذْرَاء شَقّت افُقِها
وَصَحَا الَوَجَوْد يُرِي ابْن مِصْر ارَادَا
3. He crossed the canal leading battalions
From it the thunder roared and moved tumultuously
٣. عَب الْقَنَاة يَقُوْد مِنْه فِيَالِقا
مِنْهَا الاسْوَد تَحَرَّكَت إِرْعَادَا
4. So cross over it while above it are its fires
Its cannons opened flooding equipment
٤. فَلَك الْعُبُوَّروَفَوْقَهَا نِيْرَانُهَا
فُتِحَت مَدَافِعُهَا تَمُوْر عَتَادَا
5. And airplanes, their eagles moved
Shooting the enemy responding to the leaders
٥. وَالْطَّائِرَات نُسْورَهُن تَحَرَّكَت
تَرْمِي الْعَدُو أَجَابَت القُوّادّا
6. Beloved Sinai embraced the soldiers of sacrifice
And they crowded to meet the enemy tumbling
٦. سِيْنَاء الْحَبِيْبَة عَانَقَت جُنْد الْفِدْي
وَتَزَاحَمَت تُلْقِي الْعَدِي اطِّوّادّا
7. Barlev panicked, its rock and soldiers
When it saw the army of sacrifice dominating
٧. بَارْلِيْف فَزَع صَخْرَه وَجُنْوَدّة
لِمَا رَأْي جَيْش الْفِدْي اسَادّا
8. It crossed over to the east of the canal carrying
Its equipment, ready for its sacrifice
٨. عَبَّرَت إِلَي شَرْق الْقَنَاة مُشَاتَهَا
حَمَلَت عَتَاد فَدَائِهَا اسْتِعْدَادَا
9. The enemy cried out, the fires of response tasted
Oh Dayan bewail calling for help
٩. صَرَخ الْعَدُو أَذَقْت نِيْرَان الْرَّدِي
يَاجُوَلِدِمَائِيّر إنَدَبي اسْتِنْجادّا
10. The crossing forces have destroyed us in killing
We don't know how it annihilates us perishing
١٠. قَد دَمَّرَت قُوَّات إِسْرَائِيْل فِي
دُشَم لْبارْلِيف هَوَت أَوْتَادا
11. Tell America to send us reinforcement
Indeed Egypt's son excelled in his powerful striking
١١. جَيْش الْعُبُوْر أَصَابَنَا فِي مَقْتَل
لَم نَدْرِي كَيْف يَبِيِّدْنا فَابَادّا؟
12. Seeking Sinai's wealth his purpose
The will, glory, and prevention reached the extent
١٢. قَوْلِي لَامْرِيْكا ابْعَثِي مَدَدا لَنَا
إِنَّا هُنَا نُفْنِي فَقَدْنَا الَزَادّا
13. That he sought, his purpose attained
It shook the earth beneath us
١٣. إِن ابْن مِصْر أَحْسَن قُوَّة بَاسِه
يَبْغِي ثَرِي سِيْنَا إِلَيْه مُعَادا
14. And changed us to chaff harvested
The Tihami poet said it in words
١٤. بَأْس الْارَادَة وَالعِزِينَة وَالْنَّهْي
بَلَغ الْمَدِّي مِمَّا ابْتَغَاه مُرَادا
15. By which the grieving heart was healed
And I say to him, your fervor inspired
١٥. قَد زَلْزَل الْارْض الَّتِي مِن تَحْتِنَا
وَاحَالِنا بَدَدَا وُرَام حَصَّادَا
16. Egypt's soldiers, honor and integrity
Its children, Egypt, gathered in one leap
١٦. قَد قَالَهَا شَاعِرَه الْتِّهَامِي قَوْلَة
فَشُفِي مِن الّام الْرَءُوَم فُؤَادَا
17. Looking to revive through them glories
From the invisible world their souls met
١٧. وَانَا أَقُوْل لَه أَثَّرَت حَمَاسَة
بِجُنُوْد مِصْر وَعِزَّة وَسَدَادَا
18. Loving the forefathers and descendants
Victory hovered, its banners fluttered
١٨. جُمِعَت بَنِيْهَا مِصْر فِي يَد وَثْبَة
وَتَطَلَّعَت تُحْيِي بِهِم أَمْجَادَا
19. From Badr the great urging steeds
Al Quds sent its heroes
١٩. مِن عَالَم الْغَيْب الْتَقَت أَرْوَاحُهُم
حُبّا حِّوِي الابَاء وَالأَحْفَادّا
20. To shake hands with Yarmouk and the leaders
Leaders crossing over the land of Hittin
٢٠. الْنَّصْر ات رَفْرَفَت رَايَاتُه
مِن بَدْر الْكُبْرَي تَحُث جِيَادَا
21. And the Arab embraced then rolled over
٢١. وَالْقَادِسِيَّة أُرْسِلْت أَبْطَالِهَا
لِّتُصَافِح الْيَرْمُوك وَالقُوّادّا
٢٢. قُوَّاد يُعْرَب فِي ثَرِي حِطِّيْنِهَا
وَتَعَانَق الْعَرَبِي ثُم تِلْادّا