
The night has subsided, so let the rising star emerge from its lair,

نداء من القدس

1. The night has subsided, so let the rising star emerge from its lair,
And let whoever dislikes it become hostile and vicious.

١. غَفَا الْلَّيْل فَلْيَبْرُز مِن الْخِدْر طَالِع
وَمَن وَكُرَه فَلْيَغْد غَاو وَضَالِع

2. And in the negligence of people sleeping in their beds,
The beasts of the jungle prowled and bared their teeth.

٢. وَفِي غَفْلَة مِّن هَجْعَة الْخَلْق فِي الْكَرِى
تَنَمَّر وَحْش الْغَاب وَاجْتَال ضَالِع

3. For the jungle is but a dwelling for the lurking wolf,
To hunt the lambs of the protected or to deceive.

٣. وَمَا الْغَاب إلا مَرْتَع الْذِّئْب جَائلا
لِيَقْنُص حُمْلان الْحَمِى أَو يُخْادِع

4. So oh my country, its protectors have become lax,
May God support you against your brutal adversary.

٤. فَيَا وَطَنِا عنه اسْتَنامَت حَمَاتَه
لَك الْلَّه فِيْمَا خَصْمِك الْفَظ صَانِع

5. May God be with you in this horror that I have experienced
With your terrified arms in the night pleading.

٥. لَك الَلَه فِي هَذَا الَّذِي قَد لَقِيْتُه
مِن الْهَوْل أذِ رَاعِك فِي الْلَّيْل خَانِع

6. And oh nation whose homelands have been torn apart
While enmity and division spread among them at night.

٦. وَيَا أُمَّة أَوْطَانِهِا قَد تَمَزَّقَت
وَأُمْسِى بِهَا الْحِقْد الْشِّقَاق يُشَايَع

7. Its lion has slept in its den
So the treacherous beasts plundered it.

٧. رَأْى لَيْثَها قَد نَام فِي خِدْر أُمّه
فَعَاث بِهَا غَاو وَغَدُور وَطَامِع

8. How can he maintain control
When terrors have overwhelmed him in the darkness?

٨. فَأَنَّى لَه أَن يُمْسِك الْأَمْر فِي يَد
وَقَد دَهِمَتْه فِي الْظَّلام الْفَظَائِع؟

9. He saw his crumbling palace beneath the rubble
And its fleeting wreckage demolished by the cannons.

٩. رَأْى قَصَرَه الْمُنْهَار تَحْت رُكَامُه
وَفَانِّي حُطَام دَمَّرَتْه الْمُدَافِع

10. Around him are his slain and wounded soldiers
And beneath them are those devastated homes.

١٠. وَمَن حُوْلَه صِرْعَى وَجُرْحِى جُنُوْدُه
وَمَن تَحْتِهِم تِلْك الْدِّيَار الْبَلَاقِع

11. And enemy invaders cutting off his route
While tempting motives descend upon them.

١١. وَجُنِّد غَزَاة يَقْطَعُوْن سَبِيِلِه
وَتَنْزُو عَلَى الأعْرَاض مِنْهُم نَوَازِع

12. And each of them has a goal in the night’s slumber
That drives him to betrayal and wickedness.

١٢. وَكُل لَه فِي هَجْعَة الْلَّيْل إرْبِه
تُحَرَّكَه لِلْفَتْك وَالْغَاب هَاجِع

13. The one carrying fangs and claws prowling
With which the venomous hands have sharpened.

١٣. تَنَمَّر فِيَه حَامِل الْنَّاب وَالْمُدْى
بِهَا شَحَذَت أَيْد بِهَا الْسُّم نَاقِع

14. Wondrous are my people in their rags
Over a homeland with grieving hearts.

١٤. عَجِيْب لَهَا أُمَّتِي فِي وَثَوْبُهُا
عَلَى وَطَن فِيَه الْقُلُوْب فَوَاجِع

15. The forces of a treacherous enemy have surrounded it
With which the Aqsa Mosque they have violated.

١٥. أَحَاطَت بِه قُوَّات غَدَر أَثِيمُه
بِهَا الْمَسْجِد الْأَقْصَى دَهَتْه الْمَوَاجِع

16. And it contains no defenders against the chaos
Which terrorizes the helpless in the dark of night.

١٦. وَمَا فِيَه مِن حَام سِوَى الْعُزَّل فِي الْوَغَى
يُرَوِّعَهُم فِي مُهْجَة الْلَّيْل خَادِع

17. They came bearing vile death with weapons
Aiming their claws, shedding blood.

١٧. أُتِى يَحْمِل الْمَوْت الْزُّؤَام بِالّة
مُصَوِّبُة الَأنْيَاب مِنْهَا الْأَضَالِع

18. In their eyes are fire, hatred, and sorrow
For those they suddenly attacked with calamity.

١٨. وَفِي جُفُوَنُّهَا الْنِّيْرَان وَالْبُغْض وَالْأَسِى
لِمَن دَاهمَّتّه بِالْمَنُون تَوَاقَع

19. With an army of riffraff from every faith
Wicked thieves among them plundering and ransacking.

١٩. بِجُنْد مِن الْشُّذَّاذ مِن كُل مَلَّة
لُصُوْصِيَّة مِنْهَا أَثِيْم وجَاشِع

20. Their positions there define their crime
So who will defend its holiness, not objecting?

٢٠. مَوَاقِعَهُم فِيْهَا تُحَدِّد جُرْمِهِم
فَمَن ذَا الَّذِي عَن قُدْسِه لَا يُدَافِع؟

21. Anguish has called me and tears of sorrow have flowed
And adversities have pulled at my heart.

٢١. دَعَانِي الْأُسِّى وَاسَتَدَّمّع الْعَيْن حَسْرَه
وَشَدَت الَي قَلْبِي الْنُيُوب الْنَّوَازِع

22. Ordeals, terrors, captives, tears
And my murder and the death of its soldiers.

٢٢. خُطُوْب وَأَهْوَال وَأَسْرِى و أَدْمُع
وَقَتْلِى وِصْرِعِى جَنْدلْتِهُم مَصَارِع

23. So who will save me from this destruction and what has happened
To my family, home, and hearts with anguish?

٢٣. فَمَن لِي مِن هَذَا الدَمارُ وَمَا جِرى
لِأَهْلِي وَبَيْتِي وَالْقُلُوْب صَوَادِع؟

24. And who will drive back the shameless enemy with strength
And deter his goal and make the forest cower?

٢٤. وَمَن يَدْفَع الْخَصْم الْعُتُل بِقُوَّة
وَيَرْدَع مَسْعَاه وَبَالغَاب جَازِع؟

25. Souls stripped bare by misery, anxiety, and discontent
And horrified by its terror, unable to find rest.

٢٥. نُفُوْس عُرَاهَا الْبُؤْس وَالْهَم وَالْضَّنّى
وَأَفْزَعَهَا مِن هَوْلِه ما يُضَاجِع

26. Will they protect homes or defend mosques
While we sleep, resigned and destroyed?

٢٦. أيَحْمّي بُيُوْتَا أَو يَصُوْن مَسَاجِدا
نَئُوْم عَن الُجْلَّي خَنُوع وَهَالِع؟

27. Or will the one grasping the throne obstinately
Sleep in disgrace and satisfied with silence?

٢٧. أَم الْمُمْسِك الْكُرْسِي فِيَه تَشَبُّثا
يَنَام عَلَى هُون وَبالصَّمّت قَانِع؟

28. Rulers of nations torn apart by grudges
With nothing to unite them on the battlefield.

٢٨. وُلَاة شُعُوْب مَزَّقَتْهُم ضَغَائِن
وَمَا ضَمَّهُم فِي سَاحَة الْحَرْب جَامِع

29. They have been distracted from their people
While struggling with hatred through the night.

٢٩. وَقَد شَغَلَتْهُم أَنْفُس عَن شُعُوْبِهُم
وَبَات مَع الْشَّحْنَاء حِقْد يُصَارِع