1. To You, God of the Throne, I complain pleading
And call upon You in hardship, my Lord, that You may listen
١. إِلَيكَ إلهَ العَرشِ أَشكُو تَضَرُّعاً
وَأدعُوكَ في الضَّرَّاءِ رَبِّي لِتَسمَعَا
2. How much they destroyed a populated city
They left the friendly home desolated
٢. وَكَم دَمَّرُوا مِن مَربَع كَانَ آهِلاً
فَقَد تَرَكُوا الدارَ الأَنِيسَة بَلقَعا
3. So properties became among them prey
And orphans became disheveled and starved
٣. فَأَصبَحَتِ الأَموَالُ فِيهم نَهَائِباً
وَأصبَحَتِ الأَيتَامُ غَرثَى وَجُوَّعَا
4. And those who lived in homelands fled
And fellowship that gathered together dispersed
٤. وَفرَّ عَنِ الأَوطَانِ مَن كَانَ قَاطِناً
وفُرِّقَ إِلفٌ كَانض مُجتَمِعاً مَعَا
5. They passed away and their days ended when they inherited
Praise and good memory that became well known
٥. مَضَوا وانقَضَت أيَّامُهُم حِينَ أَورَثُوا
ثَنَاءً وذِكراً طَيِّباً قَد تَضَوَّعَا
6. So God, the Generous, rewarded them for their virtue
With gardens and pleasure from God most high
٦. فَجازَاهُم الله الكَرِيمُ بِفَضلِهِ
جِنَاناً ورَضواناً منَ الله أَرفَعَا
7. And if spirits among us grew apart
The souls of lovers still unite
٧. فَإن كَانَتِ الأشبَاحُ مِنَّا تَبَاعَدَت
فَإنَّ لأَروَاحِ المُحِبِّينَ مَجمَعَا
8. Perhaps, perhaps God will help our religion
And mend all that has cracked among us
٨. عَسَى وَعَسَى أَن يُنصُرَ الله دِينَنَأ
وَيَجبُرَ مِنَّا كُلَّ مَا قَد تَصَدَّعَا
9. And rebuild ruins for the tolerant
And open ways to guidance that give access
٩. وَيَعمُرَ لِلسَّمحَا رُبُوعاً تَهَدَّمَت
وَيَفتَحَ سُبلا لِلهدايَة مَهيَعَا
10. And show the light of truth, its glow ascending
So the darkness of polytheism and doubt yield, dissipating
١٠. وَيُظهِرَ نُورَ الحَقِّ يَعلُو ضِيَاءُه
فَيُضحِي ظَلاَمُ الشّركِ وَالشَّكِّ مُقشِعَا
11. My God, fulfill this hope and be with us
Compassionate, Merciful, answering our prayer
١١. إلهِي فَحَقِّق ذا الرَّجَاءَ وَكُن بِنَا
رَؤُوفاً رَحِيماً مُستَجِيباً لَنَا الدُّعَا
12. Oh brothers, patience, patience, for I see
Patience for what is destined is best and most useful
١٢. أَلاَ أيُّهَا الإِخوَانُ صَبراً فَإنَّني
أرى الصبر للمقدور خيراً وأنفعا
13. And do not despair of relief from what has afflicted
When my Lord wills it, He will remove what has torn
١٣. وَلاَ تَيأسُوا مِن كَشفِ مانابَ إنَّهُ
إذَا شَاء رَبِّي كَشفَ ذَاكَ تَمَزَّعَا
14. I did not say this complaining to people of calamity
Or panicking at what has saddened and distressed
١٤. وَمَا قُلتُ ذَا أشكُو إِلَى الخَلقَ نكبةً
وَلاَ جَزَعاً مِمَّا أصَابَ فَأفجَعَا
15. For this matter was only by God's power
With which He subdued all creatures
١٥. فما كَانَ هذا الأمرُ إلاَّ بِقُدرَةٍ
بِهَا قَهَرَ الله الخَلاَئِقَ أجمَعَا
16. That was for a sin and disobeying the Creator
Which He seized us for, time and again, that we may return
١٦. وَذَالِكَ عَن ذَنبٍ وَعِصيَانِ خَالِقٍ
أَخَذنَا بِهِ حِيناً فَحِيناً لنرجعا
17. And it is time we hope for His approval and pardon
And recognize our shortcomings, that we may desist
١٧. وَقَد آنَ أَن نرجُو رِضَاهُ وعَفوَهُ
وأَن نَعرِفَ التَّقصِيرَ مِنَّا فَنُقلِعَا
18. O You who always did good, generously
O You whose pardon was most ample
١٨. فَيَا مُحسِناً قَد كُنتَ تُحسِنُ دَائِماً
وَيَا وَاسِعاً قَد كانَ عَفوُكَ أَوسَعَا
19. We seek refuge in You, O God, from our misdeeds
For in Your pardon we still have hope
١٩. نَعُوذً بِكَ اللَّهُمَّ مِن سُوءِ صُنعِنَا
فَإنَّ لنَا في العَفوِ مِنكَ لَمطمَعَا
20. Help us, help us, and repel the adversity that
Has struck, and uncover the harm and lift it away
٢٠. أَغِثنَا أَغِثنَا وَادفَعِ الشِّدَّةَ الَّتي
أَصَابَت وَصَابت وَاكشِفِ الضُّرَّ وارفَعَا