
Pray upon the one whom Allah is his Creator

صلوا على من عليه الله خالقه

1. Pray upon the one whom Allah is his Creator
Prayed and greeted through all time

١. صَلوا عَلى مَن عليه اللَّه خالَقه
صَلى وَسَلم في الآزال وَالقدم

2. Pray upon the delight of the two worlds, Ahmad, he who
The sky was named after and before the Divine Tablet and Pen

٢. صَلوا عَلى بَهجَة الكَونين أَحمَد مَن
سَما وَسُمّيَ قَبل اللَّوح وَالقَلَم

3. Pray upon him, Allah prays upon him ten fold
And encompasses you with grace and generosity

٣. صَلوا عَلَيهِ يُصلي اللَّه تَكرمة
عشرا وَيَشمَلكُم بِالفَضل وَالكَرَم

4. Pray, for indeed the prayer of Allah is His mercy
And the mercy of Allah surpasses all other blessings

٤. صَلوا فَإِنَّ صَلاةَ اللَّه رَحمَته
وَرَحمَة اللَّهِ عَنها سائر النِّعَم

5. Pray upon him, for whoever prays upon him succeeds
In reaching his goal of favors and safety from punishments

٥. صَلوا عَلَيهِ فمن صَلَّى عَلَيهِ يَفُز
بِالقَصد من منن وَالأَمن من نقم

6. Pray upon my master, pray upon my support
Pray upon my intercessor in attaining what I hope for

٦. صَلوا عَلى سَيدي صَلوا عَلى سندي
صَلوا عَلى شافِعي في نَيل ما أرم

7. Pray upon the chosen master from Mudar
Pray upon the Selected One sent to the nations

٧. صَلوا عَلى السَّيد المُختار مِن مضر
صَلوا عَلى المُصطَفى المَبعوث لِلأُمَم

8. Pray upon the Praiseworthy and Commendable since eternity
Pray upon the best of those who walk upon feet

٨. صَلوا عَلى الحامد المَحمود من أَزَل
صَلوا عَلى خَير مَن يَمشي عَلى قَدَم

9. The God prays upon him eternally forever
And his Family and Companions, the people of knowledge and wisdom

٩. صَلى الإِلَه عَلَيهِ دائِماً أَبَداً
وَالآل وَالصَّحب أَهل العلم وَالحكم

10. How pleasing to the hearing is the refrain of the guides at dawn
On the way to the House and the Sanctuary

١٠. ما أَطرَب السَّمعَ تَرجيع الحداة ضُحى
لَدى الرَّكائب نَحوَ البَيت وَالحَرَم

11. And what breeze has blown from the direction of Kazima
And lightning has flashed from the sides of Mount Selma

١١. وَما سرت نَسمة مِن نَحوِ كاظِمَة
وَأَومَض البَرق مِن أَكناف ذي سلم