
What can I enumerate of his attributes?

وماذا عسى أحصيه من اختصاصه

1. What can I enumerate of his attributes?
That is something number cannot comprehend.

١. وَماذا عَسى أَحصيه مِن اختِصاصِهِ
وَذَلِكَ شَيء لَيسَ يَحصره العَدُّ

2. How can I praise him, Allah, majestic is His majesty,
Upon His servant - has praise after this any meaning?

٢. وَأنى الثَنا وَاللَّه جَلَّ جَلاله
عَلى عَبدِهِ أَثنى فَهَل بَعدَ ذا حَمدُ

3. Every perfection is below the rank of His glory,
Every gift - it is from the outpouring of His bounty.

٣. وَكُلُّ كَمال دُونَ رُتبة مجده
وَكُلُّ عَطاء فَهوَ مِن فَيضِهِ مدُّ

4. For him are the sublime stations which give refuge,
And from them spontaneously come gift and plenty.

٤. لَهُ الغاية اللاتي يلاذ بِجاهها
ويطلُب مِن تلقائها الوَهب وَالرِّفدُ

5. He brought them near and made the angels kings,
Particularly Allah's messengers in their entirety.

٥. حَواها وَأَضحى بِالمَليك مملكاً
وَخاصة رسل اللَّهِ قاطِبَة جُندُ

6. Through him my affair was delightful and I won
What I desired, and from his overflow I gained success and felicity.

٦. بِهِ لذت في أَمري وَفُزت بِما أَشا
وَمِن فَيضِهِ قَد عَمَّني الجَبر والسَّعدُ

7. With him is my station and my intimacy through his guidance,
My path and my joy are in his love continually.

٧. لَدَيهِ مَقامي وَاِستنائي بِهديه
سَبيلي وَوَجدي في محبتهِ جدُ

8. Upon him a prayer that does not cease in its praising,
And the most virtuous peace - no limit can encompass it.

٨. عَلَيهِ صَلاة لا انتها لِصَلاتِها
وَأَزكَى سَلام لا يُحيط بِهِ حَدُّ

9. And his folk and noble companions,
For them is established merit and appeared glory.

٩. وَآل وَأَصحاب كِرام أَعزة
لَهُم ثَبَتَ التَّفضيل وَاِتَّضح المَجدُ

10. For as long as the world remains, whenever the breeze blows in a meadow,
Wherein the acacia waves and the rose smiles.

١٠. مَدى الدَّهر ما هَبَّ النَّسيم بِرَوضة
تَمايل فيها البان وَاِبتَسَم الوَردُ

11. And whenever a dove coos over the thickets,
And the passions of love stir and affection is brought to life.

١١. وَما سجعت فَوقَ الآراك حمامة
وَهاجَت تَباريح الهَوى وَنَما الوَجد