
The Prophet, whom Allah created from His most exalted light,

نبي براه الله من نوره الأسمى

1. The Prophet, whom Allah created from His most exalted light,
Before there was a Throne or named occurrence,

١. نبي براهُ اللَّه مِن نَورِهِ الأَسمى
وَلا عَرش مَوجود وَلا حادث يُسمى

2. And created all beings for his sake,
So that the appearance of great mercy would shine upon them,

٢. وَأبدع كل الكائِنات لِأَجلِهِ
ليَجلو عَلَيها مظهر الرَّحمَة العُظمى

3. And singled him out with what He willed as a blessing,
And endowed him with a secret and broadened his knowledge,

٣. وَخصصَه مِنهُ بِما شاءَ مِنّةً
وَأَودَعهُ سِرّاً وَوسَّعَه عِلما

4. And witnessed him as an essence and adorned him with wisdom,
And brought him near and strengthened him with judgment,

٤. وَأشهده ذاتاً وَعرفه حلىً
وَمكنهُ قُرباً وَصرمه حكما

5. And informed him of old so his prophethood
Became the seal for all prophets,

٥. وَنبّأه قدماً فَأَعظم بِفاتحٍ
نبوته لِلأَنبياء غَدَت خَتما

6. And sent him as a grace to all people,
And poured out grace and blessing in sending him,

٦. وَأرسله فَضلاً إِلى الخَلق كلهم
وَأسبغ في إِرسالِهِ الفَضل وَالنّعما

7. And singled him out with absolute priority,
With every perfection that has no limit,

٧. وَأفرده بِالأَولية مُطلقاً
بِكُلِّ كَمال لا يرامُ لَهُ مَرمى

8. And on the day of the Covenant his precedence was lofty,
Above all beings entirely without doubt,

٨. وَفي العَهد يَوم الذر تَقديمه جَلا
عَلاه عَلى الأَعيانِ قاطِبة حَتما

9. And in the apportioning of life by the Master
He received the longest share observantly,

٩. وَفي قسم المَولى لَهُ بِحياتِهِ
آجل نَظراً تَلقاهُ أَوفرهم قَسما

10. And the highest in rank, the noblest in glory,
The most generous in status, the firmest in resolve,

١٠. وَأَعلاهُم قَدراً وَأَشرَفهُم عُلا
وَأَكرَمهُم جاهاً وَأَثبَتهُم عزما

11. The greatest in mention, the most reverent in piety,
The broadest in knowledge, the most generous in understanding,

١١. وَأَرفَعهُم ذِكرا وَأَعظَمهُم تُقىً
وَأَوسَعهُم عِلماً وَأَجوَدهُم فهما

12. The most just in rule, the soundest in guidance,
The best in manners, the most forbearing in patience,

١٢. وَأَعدَلهُم حُكما وَأَرجَحَهُم نُهىً
وَأَحسَنهُم خلقاً وَأَكثَرهُم حلما

13. The most perfect in being, the purest in adornment,
The most beautiful in face, the noblest in body,

١٣. وَأَكمَلهُم ذاتاً وَأَطهَرهُم حلى
وَأَجمَلهُم وَجهاً وَأَشرَفهُم جِسما

14. The mightiest in valor, the staunchest in protection,
The most truthful in speech, the most praised in name,

١٤. وَأَعظَمَهُم بَأساً وَأَمنَعَهُم حِمىً
وَأَصدَقهُم قيلا وَأَحمَدَهُم إسما

15. And it suffices as proof of that, that with him one night
On the Night Journey, altogether,

١٥. وَحَسبكَ بُرهاناً عَلى ذاكَ أَنَّهُ
بهم لَيلة الإِسراء قاطِبَة أَمّا

16. He stood in a place none other stood,
With sure footing in the Abode of Nearness, resolute,

١٦. وَقامَ مَقاماً لَم يَقم غَيرهم بِهِ
مَكيناً بِقاب القُرب مُستَعملاً حَزما

17. And witnessed the signs of God, which have
No swerving from the goal, neither right nor left,

١٧. وَشاهد آيات الإِلَه وَما لَها
بِسعدى عَن المَقصود كَلا وَلا سلمى

18. And he was singled out on the Day of Requital with an intercession
That will encompass with its beauty when they are anxious,

١٨. وَخَصص في يَوم الجَزا بِشَفاعة
تَعم بِحُسناها إِذا قَلقوا غَما

19. And all the messengers will be marshalled under his banner,
So to God belongs praise for how excellent His glory and grace,

١٩. وَحَشر جَميع الرُّسل تَحتَ لِوائِهِ
فَلِلّه ما أَسناه مَجداً وَما أَسما

20. And were it not for his light shining on Adam’s face,
The angels would not have been commanded to bow down on their knees,

٢٠. وَلَولا ضِياه لاحَ في وَجه آدم
لَما أَمَر الأَملاك أَن يَسجدوا لزما

21. Greetings of reverence for the glory of Muhammad,
The Prophet of guidance who blotted out darkness with his lights,

٢١. تَحية إِعظام لِمَجد مُحَمد
نَبي الهُدى الماحي بِأَنواره الظلما

22. Upon him from the Merciful be His most pure prayers,
A prayer in truth of the Truth that consumes illusions,

٢٢. عَلَيهِ مِن الرَّحمَن أَزكى صَلاتهِ
صَلاة بِحَق الحَق تستهلك الوَهما

23. For as long as existence, whenever its clouds poured blessing and prayers,
And the succor of God brought magnificent favors,

٢٣. مَدى الدَّهر ما اِنهَلَّت سَحائب وَصلِهِ
وَوافى غياث اللَّه بِالمننِ العُظمى