1. His lineage faded in the brilliance of its glow
The light of suns and the joy of moons
١. نسب تَلاشى في سُطوع ضيائه
نُور الشُموس وَبَهجة الأَقمار
2. And he was clothed by the Most Merciful with a garment of majesty
To which all sights were envious
٢. وَكسي مِن الرَّحمَن ثَوب جَلالة
حسرت لَدَيها سائر الأَبصار
3. And he was pure, good, and continuous
Forever immaculate from the immaculates
٣. وَزَكا وَطابَ وَلَم يَزَل مُتَسَلسِلاً
أَبَدا مِن الأَطهار لِلأَطهار
4. Whence did the full moon of his horizon shine
To him belongs pride and what pride!
٤. أَنى وَطَه بَدر أُفق سَمائِهِ
وَلَهُ بِهِ فَخر وَأَيُّ فَخار
5. May Allah send blessings upon him as long as the morning shines
And the warbling on the branches grows loud
٥. صَلّى عَلَيهِ اللَّه ما وَضح الضُّحى
وَشَدا عَلى الأَغصان صَوت هِزار