
God is Greatest, how many tidings have come

الله أكبر كم وافت بشارات

1. God is Greatest, how many tidings have come
And how many signs have appeared for glorification

١. اللَّهُ أَكبَر كَم وافَت بِشارات
وَكَم تَبدت لِتَعظيم إِشارات

2. And how many proofs and miracles have been manifest
And how many miracles and signs have followed

٢. وَكَم تَجَلَت بَراهين وَمُعجزة
وَكَم تَوالَت كَرامات وَآيات

3. On the auspicious night of birth when it drew near
For Ahmad, the best of creation, to come into the world

٣. بِلَيلة المَولد الغَراء حين دَنا
لِوَضع أَحمد خَير الخَلق مِيقات

4. The greatest night whose wonders were majestic
And inanimate objects were eloquent in it

٤. أَعظم بِها لَيلة جَلت بَدائعها
وَأفصحت بِالهَنا فيها الجمادات

5. And all corners were saturated with fragrance
And wafts of scent emanated from regions

٥. وَضمخت سائر الأَرجاء وَاِمتَلَأَت
عطراً وَفاحَت مِن الأَنحاء نَفحات

6. And the drum of celebration sounded in every vicinity
And answering it from horizons were kettledrums

٦. وَدَق طَبل الهَنا في كُل ناحِيَة
وَقابَلته مِن الآفاق كوسات

7. And the presences of the unseen adorned themselves
With, for his sake, standards and banners set up

٧. وَزَينت حَضرات الغَيب وَاِنتَصَب
مِن أَجل ياسين أَعلام وَرايات

8. And the Throne was majestic with lights and the
Chair was clothed and Paradise adorned and gardens

٨. وَجَلل العَرش بِالأَنوار وَاِتشَح ال
كُرسي وَزخرف فردوسٌ وَجنات

9. And gifts of honor were distributed in the Most High assembly
And voices extolled God in praise

٩. وَفَرقت خلع التَّكريم في المَلأ ال
أَعلى وَضجت بِحَمد اللَّهِ أصوات

10. And the universe shone with lights and were linked
From spheres to the Guide tidings

١٠. وأشرق الكون بالأنوار واتصلت
من الهواتف بالهادي بشارات

11. And all idols were inverted as if they were
Only false imaginations that were no more

١١. وَنكست سائر الأَصنام وَاِنقَلَبَت
كَأَنَّها لَم تَكُن إِلّا هباآت

12. And Kisra's palace quaked a quaking by which
Many glories fell from it

١٢. وَرجّ إِيوان كِسرى رَجة سَقَطَت
لِبأسِها شُرف مِنهُ عَديدات

13. And Sawa was miserable like turbid water and Persia
In the stillness of their fires died of rage

١٣. وَساءَ ساوة غَيض الما وَفارس مِن
خُمود نِيرانهم بِالغَيظ قَد ماتوا

14. And the jinn were repelled and the horizons of the sky filled
With meteors by which their guards were destroyed

١٤. وَالجن صدت وَآفاق السَّما مُلِئَت
شُهباً أديمت بِها مِنهم حِراسات

15. And the present and signs proclaimed
And for worlds were warnings and prickings of ears

١٥. وَانشد الحال وَالآيات ظاهِرة
وَلِلعَوالم أَخبات وَأنصات

16. The time has come for the Master to manifest through His mercy
A sun by which good is brought forth in the universe

١٦. قَد آن أَن يُطلع المَولى بِرَحمَتِهِ
شَمساً يُدربها في الكَون خيرات

17. Of assured truth in its collectorship
And by truth it has proofs

١٧. ذات زكت فهي مَحو في مهيمنها
تَحققاً وَلَها بِالحَقِّ إِثبات

18. For the Chosen One, the epitome upon whom descended
In his glory the Gospel and Torah

١٨. لِلمُصطَفى المُجتبى ياسين من نزلت
في مَجدِهِ الفَرد إِنجيل وَتَوراة

19. And who attained in the Night Journey that which expressions
Are too limited to explain the easiest of its meanings

١٩. وَنالَ في لَيلة الإِسراء ما عَجزت
عَن شَرح أَيسر مَعناه العِبارات

20. And was particularized with what no one else realized
And He assembled them while they were particles

٢٠. وَخصَّ فيها بِما لَم يدره أَحَد
وَأَمّ جَمعاً بِهم يَسمو السَّموات

21. And He was distinguished in priority from aforetime
When He witnessed them while they were motes

٢١. وَهوَ المُخَصص في التَّقديم مِن قدم
وَحين أَشهدهم وَالقَوم ذرات

22. And He is the one whose court the Most High sought refuge in
For all affairs, elites and dignitaries

٢٢. وَهوَ الَّذي جاهَه الأَعلى تَلوذ بِهِ
في سائر الأَمر أَعيان وَسادات

23. And He is the one whom I always revered in my eternity
As if my heart were a mirror

٢٣. وَهوَ الَّذي لَم أَزَل أَجلوه في خلدي
تَحققا فَكَأن القَلب مرآت

24. And love of him dwells in my core and through him
I see my bliss and I have his care

٢٤. وَحُبهُ في صَميمي ساكن وَبِهِ
أَرى نَعيمي وَلي مِنهُ عِنايات

25. I have never desired anything and my inner secret called
Except that the desired object of my care came

٢٥. ما رُمت شَيئاً وَنادى السرّ يا سندي
إِلّا وَجاءَت بِمَأمولي العِنايات

26. No narrowness constricted me and I sought refuge through him
Except that he expanded generosities for me

٢٦. وَلا عراني ضِيق وَاِستغثت بِه
إِلا وَأَوسَع لي مِنهُ العطيات

27. I have never sought protection from what frightens me
Except I became secure and protections came to me

٢٧. وَلا اِستجرت بِهِ مِما يروّعني
إِلا أمنت وَوافتني الحِمايات

28. O noblest Messenger my hopes are in you and
My desires are not hidden from you and you have power over fate

٢٨. يا أَكرَم الرسل آمالي لَدَيك وَلا
يَخفى مُرادي وَلي بِالجَبر عادات

29. You are the most generous creature whose hand extends
And it fills from Him with good things

٢٩. وَأَنتَ أَكرَم مَخلوق تَمدّ لَهُ
يَد فَتَملأها مِنهُ المبرات

30. Upon you from God are the best prayers
The purest prayer by which the heart is purified

٣٠. عَلَيك مِن صَلَوات اللَّه أَفضلها
أَزكى صَلاة بِها لِلقَلب وَصلات

31. And upon the messengers, family, and companions altogether
And those attracted through truth to their tribe

٣١. وَالرُّسل وَالآل وَالأَصحاب قاطِبَة
وَمَن لَهُم مِن قَبيل الحَق جَذبات

32. As long as thunder glorifies with tesbih
And prostrations connect to God from drops of rain

٣٢. ما زَمجَر الرَّعد بِالتَّسبيح وَاِتَصَلَت
لِلّهِ مِن قَطرات الوَدق سَجدات

33. And the cloud cover lifts from sights
And the group clarifies meanings in explanation

٣٣. وَما تقشّع غَيم الحجب عَن بَصَر
وَأَوضَح الجَمع في المَعنى بَيانات