1. I bid farewell to you as a man bids farewell to his homeland,
And as a longing dweller bids farewell to his dwelling.
١. رَحَلتُ عَنكَ رَحيلَ المَرءِ عَن وَطَنِه
وَرِحلَةَ السَكَنِ المُشتاقِ عَن سَكَنِه
2. I only kept my distance as time conceals
The abode from its madness.
٢. وَما تَباعَدتُ إِلّا أَنَّ مُستَتِراً
مِنَ الزَمانِ نَأَتهُ الدارُ عَن جُنَنِه
3. A companion, had I bought with half my life from nations -
I would not have sold him however high his price.
٣. أُنسٌ لَوَ أَنّي بِنِصفِ العُمرِ مِن أَمَمٍ
أَشريهِ ما خِلتُني أَغلَيتُ في ثَمَنِه
4. If I feigned patience without you or sacrificed
My soul for it, such would be the patience of an eyelid without its spring.
٤. فَإِن تَكَلَّفتُ صَبراً عَنكَ أَو مُنِيَت
نَفسي بِهِ فَهوَ صَبرُ الطَرفِ عَن وَسَنِه
5. I never exposed myself to the shame of old age except
Uthnun exposed himself by his beard.
٥. وَما تَعَرَّضتُ مِن شَينوخَ عارِفَةً
إِلّا تَعَرَّضَ عُثنونٌ عَلى ذَقَنِه
6. So surrender Abu Salih to glory, made timeless
By the most praiseworthy fragrance of nieces in their prime.
٦. فَاِسلَم أَبا صالِحٍ لِلمَجدِ تَعمُرُهُ
بِأَريَحِيَّةِ مَحمودِ النَثّا حَسَنِه