
Time has wronged you and done evil

ظلم الدهر فيكم وأساء

1. Time has wronged you and done evil,
So my condolences, O clan of Humayd, condolences!

١. ظَلَمَ الدَهرُ فيكُمُ وَأَساءَ
فَعَزاءً بَني حُمَيدٍ عَزاءَ

2. Souls that can barely sense their loss,
And breasts that never cease to grieve.

٢. أَنفُسٌ ما تَكادُ تَفقِدُ فَقداً
وَصُدورٌ ما تَبرَحُ البُرَحاءَ

3. The sword has become your affliction, and it
Is an affliction that does not cease exhausting remedies.

٣. أَصبَحَ السَيفُ داءَكُم وَهُوَ الدا
ءُ الَّذي لايَزالُ يُعيي الدَواءَ

4. And death has withdrawn among you, so we cried
With the blood of tears over that bloodshed.

٤. وَاِنتَحى القَتلُ فيكُمُ فَبَكَينا
بِدِماءِ الدُموعِ تِلكَ الدِماءَ

5. O Abu al-Qasim, he who has had generosity, munificence and bounty apportioned to him!
And al-Hizbar who, when war revolved around him,

٥. يا أَبا القاسِمِ المُقَسَّمَ في النَجـ
ـدَةِ وَالجودِ وَالنَدى أَجزاءَ

6. Turned the foe this way and that however he wished!
Grief is a duty for the noble - whether

٦. وَالهِزَبرَ الَّذي إِذا دارَتِ الحَر
بُ بِهِ صَرَّفَ الرَدى كَيفَ شاءَ

7. Out of a noble intention or ostentation.
And it is foolish for a man to panic because of

٧. الأُسى واجِبٌ عَلى الحُرِّ إِمّا
نِيَّةً حُرَّةً وَإِمّا رِياءَ

8. What was destined for mankind by Fate's decree.
And why should the soul pursue something

٨. وَسَفاهٌ أَن يَجزَعَ المَرءُ مِمّا
كانَ حَتماً عَلى العِبادِ قَضاءَ

9. Which God has made the gates of Paradise its abode?
Will you weep for one who did not yield himself

٩. وَلِماذا تَتَبَّعُ النَفسُ شَيئاً
جَعَلَ اللَهُ الفِردَوسَ مِنهُ بَواءَ

10. To the sword, wan and weak, nor shake the standard?
And the real man is one who saw the graves - because of

١٠. أَتُبَكّي مَن لا يُنازِلُ بِالسَيـ
ـفِ مُشيحاً وَلا يَهُزُّ اللِواءَ

11. What they contained of his peerless daughters - to be adornments.
The counting of cattle is no adornment of life

١١. وَالفَتى مَن رَأى القُبورَ لِما طا
فَ بِهِ مِن بَناتِهِ أَكفاءَ

12. Like counting from it wealth and sons.
They have given birth to lifelong enemies and bequeathed

١٢. لَسنَ مِن زينَةِ الحَياةِ كَعَدِّ الـ
ـلاهِ مِنها الأَموالَ وَالأَبناءَ

13. Remote regions to the descendants.
The abundance of their number did not embarrass

١٣. قَد وَلَدنَ الأَعداءَ قِدماً وَوَرَّث
نَ التِلادَ الأَقاصِيَ البُعَداءَ

14. Qays or Tameem, but prided and toughened them.
And ignominy overcame Muhalhil's clan,

١٤. لَم يَئِد كُثرَهُنَّ قَيسُ تَميمٍ
عَيلَةً بَل حَمِيَّةً وَإِباءَ

15. Although the enemy was given gifts.
And Shaqq ibn Fatik took precautions against

١٥. وَتَغَشّى مُهَلهِلَ الذُلُّ فيهِنـ
ـنَ وَقَد أُعطِيَ الأَديمَ حِباءَ

16. Dishonor upon them and parted from the land.
And over others Jacob grieved

١٦. وَشَقيقُ بنُ فاتِكٍ حَذَرَ العا
رِ عَلَيهِنَّ فارَقَ الدَهناءَ

17. When his sons came upon him at night.
And Shu'ayb - because of them - saw

١٧. وَعَلى غَيرِهِنَّ أُحزِنَ يَعقو
بُ وَقَد جاءَهُ بَنوهُ عِشاءَ

18. Weakness in oneness, so he hired prophets.
And Satan tempted Adam in the Garden

١٨. وَشُعَيبٌ مِن أَجلِهِنَّ رَأى الوَحـ
ـدَةَ ضَعفاً فَاِستَأجَرَ الأَنبِياءَ

19. When he lured Eve.
And look to the tribes - are they attributed

١٩. وَاِستَزَلَّ الشَيطانُ آدَمَ في الجَنـ
ـنَةِ لَمّا أَغرى بِهِ حَوّاءَ

20. To mothers or fathers when it comes to lineage?
By my life! My incapacity is only

٢٠. وَتَلَفَّت إِلى القَبائِلِ فَانظُر
أُمَّهاتٍ يُنسَبنَ أَم آباءَ

21. That men should spend the night weeping for women!

٢١. وَلَعَمري ما العَجزُ عِندِيَ إِلّا
أَن تَبيتَ الرِجالُ تَبكي النِساءَ