
O lightning, be excessive in your ascent

يا برق أفرط في اعتلائك

1. O lightning, be excessive in your ascent
Or rain down generously with your downpour

١. يا بَرقُ أَفرِط في اِعتِلائِك
أَو صُب بِجودِكِ وَاِنهِمائِك

2. Or reveal the darkness with the illuminating
Light radiating from your glory

٢. أَو كَشِّفِ الظَلماءَ بِالـ
ـنورِ المُضيءِ مِنِ اِنجِلائِك

3. You are not like Al-Hasan ibn Makhlad
In your approaching and twisting about

٣. ما أَنتَ كَالحَسَنِ بنِ مَخـ
ـلَدَ في اِقتِرابِكَ وَاِنتِوائِك

4. Indeed, I found his praise
Among people more noble than your praise

٤. إِنّي وَجَدتُ ثَناءَهُ
في الناسِ أَشرَفَ مِن ثَنائِك

5. And I see his munificence with his wealth
Higher than your munificence with your water

٥. وَأَرى نَداهُ بِمالِهِ
يَعلو نَداكَ لَنا بِمائِك

6. And his splendor among mankind is
Superior in merit to your splendor

٦. وَضِياؤُهُ في البِشرِ أَو
لى بِالفَضيلَةِ مِن ضِيائِك

7. And his superiority in pursuing glory is
Lofier than your supremacy and climbing

٧. وَسُمُوُّهُ لِلمَجدِ أَز
كى مِن سُمُوِّكَ وَاِرتِقائِك

8. My soul is yours for sacrifice, indeed my share
Is that my soul be among your sacrifices

٨. نَفسي فِداؤُكَ إِنَّ حَظـ
ـظي كَونُ نَفسي مِن فِدائِك

9. The travelers have gone with the wondrous
Story of your loyalty

٩. قَد سارَتِ الرُكبانُ بِالـ
ـخَبَرِ المُعَجِّبِ عَن وَفائِك

10. And they spoke of your good fortune in success
And your sincerity and trueness of promise

١٠. وَتَحَدَّثوا عَن نُجحِ وَعـ
ـدِكَ في السَماحِ وَصِدقِ وائِك

11. Why then should I set out to urge you
Or emigrate to meet your requirement

١١. فَعَلامَ أَغدو لِاِحتِثا
ثِكَ أَو أُهَجِّرُ لِاِقتِضائِك

12. Especially when yesterday you
Were just beginning

١٢. سِيَما وَما أَولَيتَهُ
بِالأَمسِ كانَ عَلى اِبتِدائِك

13. And it grieves me to abandon reliance
On you and to delay seeing you

١٣. وَيَسوؤُني تَركُ اِعتِما
دِكَ وَالتَأَخُّرُ عَن لِقائِك

14. And disgracing Al-Sayyabi against
You and depriving him of your gift

١٤. وَنَقيصَةُ السيبِيِّ سَيـ
ـبَكَ وَالمُتَمَّمَ مِن عَطائِك

15. With his request, indeed I prepare
His request without your approval

١٥. بِمِطالِهِ إِنّي أَعُد
دُ مِطالَهُ مِن غَيرِ رائِك