
A blame of a caring one, not lying

لامت ملامة مشفق متعتب

1. A blame of a caring one, not lying,
And the advice of an honest adviser.

١. لامَت مَلامَةَ مُشفِقٍ مُتَعَتِّبِ
وَسَطَت سَطِيَّةَ ناصِحٍ لَم يَكذِبِ

2. Her tears interceded with her tears,
When can tongues describe depression in detail?

٢. وَاِستَشفَعَت بِدُموعِها وَدُموعُها
لُسُنٌ مَتى تَصِفُ الكَآبَةَ تُسهِبِ

3. And her sadness has a place in the heart of my heart,
That is on the embers of blazing coal.

٣. وَلِحُزنِها بِصَميمِ قَلبي مَوقِعٌ
ذاكٍ عَلى جَمرِ الغَضا المُتَلَهِّبِ

4. Ghaidaa', time was quick to break its promise,
And with its fickle, changing betrayal.

٤. غَيداءُ عاجَلَها الزَمانُ بِنَكثِهِ
وَبِرَيبِهِ المُتَصَرِّفِ المُتَقَلِّبِ

5. So it took away the beauty of consolation and she found
Misfortunes that did not overturn.

٥. فَاِبتَزَّها حُسنَ العَزاءِ وَصادَفَت
مِنها الخُطوبُ غَريرَةً لَم تُنكَبِ

6. She said, I see you in distress
In barren pasture and meager living.

٦. قالَت أَراكَ بِسُرِّ مَن را ثاوِياً
في مَرتَعٍ جَشِبٍ وَعَيشٍ مُنصِبِ

7. Where the noble cannot find a match,
Who would pity him and take care of him.

٧. في حَيثُ لا يُلفي الشَريفُ مُناسِباً
يَحنو عَلَيهِ بِرَأفَةٍ وَتَحَدُّبِ

8. So take refuge in a shadow of the people of Nizar, for they
Are people of glory or a side of Araba.

٨. فَاِعمِد لِظِلٍّ مِن نِزارَ فَإِنَّهُم
أَهلُ اللُهى أَو جانِبٍ مِن يَعرُبِ

9. And get up to whichever country they resided in
On earth, whether near or far.

٩. وَاِنهَض لِأَيَّةِ بَلدَةٍ حَلّوا بِها
في الأَرضِ إِن قَرُبَت وَإِن لَم تَقرُبِ

10. For there lies noble lineage, where
Pure ancestry with high demands does not tempt you.

١٠. فَهُنالِكَ الحَسَبُ الصَميمُ وَحَيثُ لا
يُغريكَ مِن نَسَبٍ قَريبِ المَطلَبِ

11. I said: Live in the care of one whose
High office ennobled his great position!

١١. قُلتُ اِربَعي في سُرِّ مَن را سَيِّدٌ
كَرُمَت ضَرائِبُهُ عَظيمُ المَنصِبِ

12. A sea that when the thirsty come to drink
Its freshness is good for them and sweet.

١٢. بَحرٌ مَتى تَقِفُ الظِماءُ بِمَورِدٍ
مِنهُ يَطيبُ لَهُم جَداهُ وَيَعذُبِ

13. Green son of Ahmad, a towering glory,
Faithful in his responsibility at the side of the road!

١٣. خِضرُ بنُ أَحمَدَ طَودُ عِزٍّ شامِخٌ
راسٍ دَعائِمُهُ أَمينُ المَنكِبِ

14. A cave that when weak ones seek its shade
They come to a kind, fertile refuge.

١٤. كَهفٌ إِذا اِستَذرى العُفاةُ بِظِلِّهِ
لَجَأوا إِلى كَنَفٍ رَحيبٍ مُخصِبِ

15. If the slave of Qais spoke ill of me while
Azd is between division and divergence,

١٥. إِن تَمسِ عَبدُ القَيسِ عَنّي قَد نَأَت
وَالأَزدُ بَينَ تَشَتُّتٍ وَتَشَعُّبِ

16. Then I have held to the shelters of Wael
And overcome the events of time by triumph.

١٦. فَقَدِ اِعتَصَمتُ بِمَوئِلٍ مِن وائِلٍ
وَغَلَبتُ أَحداثَ الزَمانِ بِتَغلِبِ

17. By the son of Murrth is the glory of Rabee'ah
And the son of Mu'aththal every great conquest.

١٧. بِاِبنِ المُوَرَّثِ مِن رَبيعَةَ مَجدَها
وَاِبنِ المُؤَثَّلِ كُلَّ عِزٍّ أَغلَبِ

18. How many a father of outstanding traits do you have
Esteemed, who brings forth noble descent!

١٨. كَم مِن أَبٍ لَكَ ذي مَناقِبَ جَمَّةٍ
حامٍ وَجَدٍّ ذي مَكارِمَ مُنجِبِ

19. And heights that efforts fell short of
So your mention reached to the stars' sublimity!

١٩. وَعُلاً تَقاصَرَتِ المَساعي دونَهُ
فَسَمَت بِذِكرِكُمُ سُمُوَّ الكَوكَبِ

20. And when warriors struggle in battle
And compete for the cup of destruction and perdition,

٢٠. وَإِذا الكُماةُ تَكافَحَت في مَعرَكٍ
وَتَنازَعَت كَأسَ الرَدى مِن مَشرَبِ

21. For you there are well known positions in the fray
By inheritance from every ferocious warrior

٢١. فَلَكُم مَواقِفُ في الوَغى مَشهورَةٌ
بِوِراثَةٍ عَن كُلِّ لَيثٍ مِحرَبِ

22. O Green! You are clad among the nobility
From every noble house, veiled

٢٢. ياخِضرُ أَنتَ مُسَوَّدٌ في سادَةٍ
مِن كُلِّ مُحتَضَرِ الرُواقِ مُحَجَّبِ

23. You assumed leadership as a youth
And wore the turban of the venerable elder!

٢٣. قَد سُدتَ في حالِ الحَداثَةِ يافِعاً
وَلَبِستَ أُبَّهَةَ الجَليلِ الأَشيَبِ

24. And the consequences of events made you seasoned
From the resolute, proven, experienced one!

٢٤. وَأَرَتكَ أَعقابَ الأُمورِ رَوِيَّةً
مِن حازِمٍ ماضي العَزيمِ مُجَرِّبِ

25. So you are more discerning when you plan a strategy
Than the most astute one, known for his broken wrist!

٢٥. فَلَأَنتَ أَرهَفُ حينَ تُدهِمُ خُطَّةً
مِن مُرهَفٍ شَهَرَتهُ كَفُّكَ مِقضَبِ

26. And you are more high-minded with supererogation and dew
Than one who stands to pray and is focused!

٢٦. وَلَأَنتَ أَنفَحُ بِالنَوافِلِ وَالنَدى
مِن واكِفٍ مُسحَنفِرٍ مُتَصَبِّبِ

27. And you are more inaccessible than Kulayb from the side
Of the exhausted refugee, watchfully waiting!

٢٧. وَلَأَنتَ أَمنَعُ مِن كُلَيبٍ جانِباً
لِلمُستَجيرِ المُرهَقِ المُتَرَقِّبِ

28. And it is as if - when asked for drink - your face
Were the beauty of polished Indian swords!

٢٨. وَكَأَنَّ وَجهَكَ حينَ تُسأَلُ مُشرَبٌ
مِن حُسنِهِ ماءَ الحُسامِ المُذهَبِ

29. Take them to you as a means from one desiring
To gain nearness, connecting and causing.

٢٩. خُذها إِلَيكَ وَسيلَةً مِن راغِبٍ
مُتَقَرِّبٍ مُتَوَصِّلٍ مُتَسَبِّبِ

30. They came to you with greetings to be picked
From a delicate garden and grassy meadow.

٣٠. جاءَتكَ في طيبِ التَحِيَّةِ تُجتَنى
مِن مَنبِتٍ أَنِقٍ وَرَوضٍ مُعشِبِ

31. Tie this - like a necklace - arrange the verses with pearls
Except they have not been pierced!

٣١. أَوفى بِها كَالعِقدِ فُصِّلُ نَظمُهُ
بِالدُرِّ إِلّا أَنَّهُ لَم يُثقَبِ

32. This is your loyal friend seeking refuge
In your sanctuary from a harsh, clawed time.

٣٢. هَذا وَلِيُّكَ مُستَجيراً عائِذاً
بِذَراكَ مِن زَمَنٍ حَديدِ المِخلَبِ

33. A flash from your help has reached him
For the flash of your hands is unfailing.

٣٣. قَد شامَ بَرقاً مِن نَداكَ أَحَبَّهُ
إِذ كانَ بَرقُ يَدَيكَ لَيسَ بِخُلَّبِ