1. I offered her whatever she wished for from delights
That she may consent, but she said "Arise and bring me a star"
١. عَرَضتُ عَلَيها ما تَمَنّى مِنَ المُنى
لَتَرضى فَقالَت قُم فَجِئني بِكَوكَبِ
2. So I said to her "This obstinacy altogether
Is like one who craves to eat the meat of a western oryx"
٢. فَقُلتُ لَها هَذا التَعَنُّتُ كُلُّهُ
كَمَن يَتَشَهّى لَحمَ عَنقاءَ مُغرِبِ
3. Thus I swear even if I wake up in the glory of a king
And in his generosity I attain my wish
٣. فَأُقسِمُ لَو أَصبَحتُ في عِزِّ مالِكٍ
وَفي جودِهِ أَعيا بِذَلِكَ مَطلَبي
4. A young man whose wealth was miserable due to his generosity
Just as Bakr was miserable due to the spears of Taghlib
٤. فَتىً شَقِيَت أَموالُهُ بِسَماحِهِ
كَما شَقِيَت بَكرٌ بِأَرماحِ تَغلِبِ