
I excuse the surplus of the generous chest

أجز من غلة الصدر العميد

1. I excuse the surplus of the generous chest
And calm the fleeting, wandering panic

١. أَجِز مِن غُلَّةِ الصَدرِ العَميدِ
وَسَكِّن نافِرَ الجَأشِ الشَرودِ

2. So the anxious are not anxious for the nights
With their provisions, nor are the brave afraid

٢. فَما جَزَعُ الجَزوعِ مِنَ اللَيالي
بِمُحرِزِهِ وَلا جَلَدُ الجَليدِ

3. We denied the arrows of events in us
As if truth is nullified by denial

٣. جَحَدنا سُهمَةَ الحَدَثانِ فينا
لَوَ أَنَّ الحَقَّ يَبطُلُ بِالجُحودِ

4. And we deny that death should knock on our door
As if we were created for immortality

٤. وَنُنكِرُ أَن تُطَرِّقَنا المَنايا
كَأَنّا قَد خُلِقنا لِلخُلودِ

5. So alas for events, how they give
The wretched of people the luck of the fortunate

٥. فَيا وَيحَ الحَوادِثِ كَيفَ تُعطي
شَقِيَّ القَومِ مِن حَظِّ السَعيدِ

6. And how can they rule if they intend a ruling
To carry for the stray what was for the righteous

٦. وَكَيفَ تَجوزُ إِن هَمَّت بِحُكمٍ
فَتَحمِلَ لِلغَوِيَّ عَلى الرَشيدِ

7. The turns of fate did not cease until
It showed us lions killed by monkeys

٧. وَما بَرِحَت صُروفُ الدَهرِ حَتّى
أَرَتنا الأُسدَ قَتلى لِلقُرودِ

8. I console Arraheem Abul Ali
For the widest tear, Abi Saeed

٨. أُعَزّي الأَريَحِيَّ أَبا عَلِيٍّ
عَنِ الخِرقِ الأَغَرِّ أَبي سَعيدِ

9. And I did not console except with a sea of knowledge
Whose abundance overflows from a sea of generosity

٩. وَما عَزَّيتُ إِلّا بَحرَ عِلمٍ
نُطيفُ بِفَيضِهِ عَن بَحرِ جودِ

10. A slain man whose killers did not give him
The respite of the allotted term in Thamood

١٠. قَتيلٌ لَم يُمَهِّل قاتِلوهُ
مَدى الأَجَلِ المُؤَقَّتِ في ثَمودِ

11. His revenge turns intense, not to be
Postponed for threats and warnings

١١. تُدورِكَ ثَأرُهُ غَضّاً وَلَمّا
يُؤَخَّرُ لِلتَهَدُّدِ وَالوَعيدِ

12. And the sword was closer to the jugular
Than a rope is to helping against it

١٢. وَكانَ السَيفُ أَدنى مِن وَريدِ ال
مُعينِ عَلَيهِ مِن حَبلِ الوَريدِ

13. The blood of the accursed is not enough, even if healing
Compared to the blood of the martyr among us

١٣. وَلَيسَ دَمُ اللَعينِ وَإِن شَفانا
كَفِيّاً عِندَنا لِدَمِ الشَهيدِ

14. And the Loyal's wounds did not please you
The morning after the wounds of slaves did

١٤. وَما أَرضَتكَ مِن مُهَجِ المَوالي
غَداةَ رُزِئتَها مُهَجُ العَبيدِ

15. If the slain had known - but what knowledge
Can a dead man have from beyond the soil?

١٥. فَلَو عَلِمَ القَتيلُ وَأَيُّ عِلمٍ
لِمَيتٍ مِن وَراءِ التُربِ مودِ

16. He would have seen his brother's resolve saving us
From his death cry - from total destruction

١٦. رَأى لِأَخيهِ عَزماً أَنقَذَتنا
صَريمَتُهُ مِنَ التَلَفِ المُبيدِ

17. Vowing by the horses, loosing them, by their marks,
So from Shaws to the supporter set ablaze

١٧. سَما بِالخَيلِ أَرسالاً لِسيما
فَمِن شوسٍ إِلى الداعي وَقودِ

18. They did not cease roving over him until
The head of an obstinate tyrant was subdued

١٨. فَما اِنفَكَّت تَجولُ عَلَيهِ حَتّى
تَدَهدَأَ رَأسُ جَبّارٍ عَنيدِ

19. When the living degrades his brother
He is like the dead, departed

١٩. إِذا ما الحَيُّ أَعطى في أَخيهِ ال
دَنيئَةَ فَهوَ كَالمَيتِ الفَقيدِ

20. I remembered my brother Abu Bakr, so tears flowed
Not to be contained behind barriers

٢٠. ذَكَرتُ أَخي أَبا بَكرٍ فَفاضَت
دُموعٌ غَيرُ مُعوِزَةِ الجُمودِ

21. And for old anguish there are stirrings
Agitated by the new anguish

٢١. وَلِلفَجعِ العَتيقِ مُحَرِّكاتٌ
مُهَيَّجَةٌ مِنَ الفَجعِ الجَديدِ

22. God's peace and watering the graves - arguments
Over those tombs and encampments

٢٢. سَلامُ اللَهِ وَالسُقيا سِجالاً
عَلى تِلكَ الضَرائِحِ وَاللُحودِ

23. Calamities from Azd's elders threw
Every weakening catastrophe on us

٢٣. رَزايا مِن شُيوخِ الأَزدِ أَلقَت
عَلَينا كُلَّ موهِنَةٍ هَدودِ

24. We lower our brows when we feel shy
Of people seeing slapped cheeks

٢٤. نَصُكُّ لَها الجِباهَ إِذا اِحتَشَمنا
حَياءَ الناسِ مِن لَطمِ الخُدودِ

25. Weeping spreads tears among them
But tears among them have no increase

٢٥. مَباكٍ تَستَزيدَ الدَمعَ فيها
وَما لِلدَمعِ فيها مِن مَزيدِ

26. I say: Abu Ali, you were good in life
And dead under arches of soil

٢٦. أَقولُ أَبا عَلِيٍّ طِبتَ حَيّاً
وَمَيتاً تَحتَ أَروِقَةِ الصَعيدِ

27. Mournful ode searchers sought you
Like the searching of the cutting cold

٢٧. لَقَد طَلَبَتكَ مِن غُرِّ المَراثي
قَوافٍ مِثلَ أَفوافِ البُرودِ

28. So do not be far - the hoped for was not
Your attainment far from your attainment

٢٨. فَلا تَبعَد فَما كانَ المُرَجّى
نَوالَكَ مِن نَوالِكَ بِالبَعيدِ

29. I intended a victory but failed to achieve it
While you are wanted for beneficial discourse

٢٩. هَمَمتُ بِنَصرَةٍ فَعَجَزتُ عَنها
وَأَنتَ تُرادُ لِلخَطبِ المُفيدِ

30. And when I did not find a limit for the sword
To help you with it, I set out with poetry

٣٠. وَلَمّا لَم أَجِد لِلسَيفِ حَدّاً
أَصولُ بِهِ نَصَرتُكَ بِالقَصيدِ