
You wronged me on the day of departure

أكنت معنفي يوم الرحيل

1. You wronged me on the day of departure
And my tears flooded in anguish

١. أَكُنتَ مُعَنِّفي يَومَ الرَحيلِ
وَقَد لَجَّت دُموعي في الهُمولِ

2. On an eve when neither separation made my determination come back to me
Nor did the meeting heal my sickness

٢. عَشِيَّةَ لا الفِراقُ أَفاءَ عَزمي
إِلَيَّ وَلا اللِقاءُ شَفى غَليلي

3. It drew near at farewell due to the imminence of distance
The sun inclines at sunset to the thickets

٣. دَنَت عِندَ الوَداعِ لِوَشكِ بُعدٍ
دُنُوَّ الشَمسِ تَجنَحُ لِلأَصيلِ

4. It was blocked, neither connection intentionally
Nor relief from it with delusions

٤. وَصَدَّت لا الوِصالُ لَها بِقَصدٍ
وَلا الإِسعافُ مِنها بِالمُخيلِ

5. I suffer harm and grieve for love
And some blame entices the friend

٥. تُليمُ إِساءَةً وَأُلامُ حُبّاً
وَبَعضُ اللَومِ يُغري بِالخَليلِ

6. I was disturbed by the one with pillars and she aroused longing in me
The risings of a lightning flash from its brilliance like pearls

٦. طَرِبتُ بِذي الأَراكِ وَشَوَّقَتني
طَوالِعُ مِن سَنا بَرقٍ كَليلِ

7. And she reminded me while the reminder is agony
My passion for her evident tribulations

٧. وَذَكَّرَنيكِ وَالذِكرى عَناءٌ
شَبايَةُ فيكِ بَيِّنَةُ الشُكولِ

8. The breeze of the garden in a north wind
And the direction of beauty in a perfumed zephyr

٨. نَسيمُ الرَوضِ في ريحٍ شَمالٍ
وَصَوبُ المُزنِ في راحٍ شَمولِ

9. My excuse from one who avoids in you insists
Upon me that there is no excuse from one who avoids

٩. عَذيري مِن عَذولٍ فيكِ يَلحي
عَلَيَّ أَلا عَذيرٌ مِن عَذولِ

10. The years have committed crimes and there is no way
To you while you are the clear way

١٠. تَجَرَّمَتِ السُنونَ وَلا سَبيلٌ
إِلَيكِ وَأَنتِ واضِحَةُ السَبيلِ

11. And I tried to spur mounts
To a beloved neighborhood in Haleb

١١. وَقَد حاوَلتُ أَن تَخِدَ المَطايا
إِلى حَيٍّ عَلى حَلَبٍ حُلولِ

12. And if I controlled my determination to you
And attained the purpose from it with the heart

١٢. وَلَو أَنّي مَلَكتُ إِلَيكِ عَزمي
وَصَلتُ النَصَّ مِنها بِالذَميلِ

13. Then the open desert is more worthy for the skilled
Its jujubes widely spaced and long acacias

١٣. فَأَولى لِلمَهارى مِن فَلاةٍ
عَريضٍ جَوزُها وَسُرىً طَويلِ

14. The good deeds have thrived with the conquests
And the planter of the vineyard, the excellent yielder, is evident

١٤. زَكَت بِالفَتحِ أُحدانُ المَساعي
وَأَوضَحَ دارِسُ الكَرَمِ المَحيلِ

15. With the peerless eminent
When the lofty attain the missing peer

١٥. بِمُنقَطِعِ القَرينِ إِذا تَرَقّى
ذُرى العَلياءِ مُفتَقَدِ العَديلِ

16. It turns to him when Quraysh associated
The height of the house from it and the tribe

١٦. تُوَلّيهِ إِذا اِنتَسَبَت قُرَيشٌ
عُلُوَّ البَيتِ مِنها وَالقَبيلِ

17. And superior virtue in the caliphs became attributed
To the superior virtue of the caliphs with the messenger

١٧. وَفَضلاً بِالخَلائِفِ باتَ يُعزى
إِلى فَضلِ الخَلائِفِ بِالرَسولِ

18. Wide of sale raises its shoulders
Removing the excess armor from it and the worn out

١٨. رَحيبُ الباعِ يَرفَعُ مَنكِباهُ
فُضولَ الدِرعِ عَنهُ وَالشَليلِ

19. And it rules regarding its treasures
As the mighty ruled over the lowly

١٩. وَيَحكُمُ في ذَخائِرِهِ نَداهُ
كَما حَكَمَ العَزيزُ عَلى الذَليلِ

20. A brother to favors he is counted among them
For him the superiority of a full brother over an orphan

٢٠. أَخٌ لِلمَكرُماتِ يُعَدُّ فيها
لَهُ فَضلُ الشَقيقِ عَلى الحَميلِ

21. Natures like rain pouring from it
Gifts like a cloudburst of floods

٢١. خَلائِقُ كَالغُيوثِ تَفيضُ مِنها
مَواهِبُ مِثلُ جَمّاتِ السُيولِ

22. And a face that the water of generosity flowed upon
Over soft skin and pouring cheek

٢٢. وَوَجهٌ رَقَّ ماءُ الجودِ فيهِ
عَلى العِرنينِ وَالخَدِّ الأَسيلِ

23. You see the brilliance of benevolence in it
The rays of the sun in the polished sword

٢٣. يُريكَ تَأَلُّقُ المَعروفِ فيهِ
شُعاعَ الشَمسِ في السَيفِ الصَقيلِ

24. And when he fell ill the sublime became
Imprisoned over an immense peril

٢٤. وَلَمّا اِعتَلَّ أَصبَحَتِ المَعالي
مُحَبَّسَةً عَلى خَطَرٍ مَهولِ

25. So much tears poured
And so much burning anguish kindled

٢٥. فَكائِن فُضَّ مِن دَمعٍ غَزيرٍ
وَأُضرِمَ مِن جَوى كَمَدٍ دَخيلِ

26. Do you not see how misfortunes rise
To the people of supererogation and abundance

٢٦. أَلَم تَرَ لِلنَوائِبِ كَيفَ تَسمو
إِلى أَهلِ النَوافِلِ وَالفُضولِ

27. And they plot against the superior outstanding merit
And stride past the owner of little fortune

٢٧. وَكَيفَ تَرومُ ذا الفَضلِ المُرَجّى
وَتَخطو صاحِبَ القَدرِ الضَئيلِ

28. And the events of the nights do not cease
Inclining upon consciousness for unconsciousness

٢٨. وَما تَنفَكُّ أَحداثُ اللَيالي
تَميلُ عَلى النَباهَةِ لِلخُمولِ

29. So if events obeyed me
And the turns of fate gave me my request

٢٩. فَلَو أَنَّ الحَوادِثَ طاوَعَتني
وَأَعطَتني صُروفُ الدَهرِ سولي

30. And death tasted the soul of the generous
While the forbidden souls of the stingy

٣٠. وَقَت نَفسَ الجَوادِ مِنَ المَنايا
وَمَحظوراتِها نَفسُ البَخيلِ

31. May God protect you from what you fear and covered you
With the shade of His abundant shade

٣١. كَفاكَ اللَهُ ما تَخشى وَغَطّى
عَلَيكَ بِظِلِّ نِعمَتِهِ الظَليلِ

32. So I did not see the like of your illness spread
With the announcement of youth and lament

٣٢. فَلَم أَرَ مِثلَ عِلَّتِكَ اِستَفاضَت
بِإِعلانِ الصَبابَةِ وَالعَويلِ

33. And how much it began and relapsed from a night stay
On discomfort and aridity from broth

٣٣. وَكَم بَدَأَت وَثَنَّت مِن مَبيتٍ
عَلى مَضَضٍ وَجافَت مِن مَقيلِ

34. And it was that the healthy were more complaining then
Than the weak invalid

٣٤. وَقَد كانَ الصَحيحُ أَشَدُّ شَكوى
غَداتَئِذٍ مِنَ الدَنَفِ العَليلِ

35. Be precautious over the superior outstanding merit
And careful over the magnificent ancient glory

٣٥. مُحاذَرَةً عَلى الفَضلِ المُرَجّى
وَإِشفاقاً عَلى المَجدِ الأَثيلِ

36. And knowing that they want an ocean
With your generosity not existing without alternative

٣٦. وَعِلماً أَنَّهُم يَرِدونَ بَحراً
بِجودِكَ غَيرَ مَوجودِ البَديلِ

37. And if that which they feared and were scared of
Then the attainment would be gone from the spring

٣٧. وَلَو كانَ الَّذي رَهِبوا وَخافوا
إِذاً ذَهَبَ النَوالُ مِنَ المُنيلِ

38. Then benevolence would be without an ally
For it and the clouds would flow without rain

٣٨. إِذاً لَغَدا السَماحُ بِلا حَليفٍ
لَهُ وَجَرى الغَمامُ بِلا رَسيلِ

39. The protection of God over you assured
Hearts intensely wandering in minds

٣٩. دِفاعُ اللَهِ عَنكَ أَقَرَّ مِنّا
قُلوباً جِدَّ طائِشَةِ العُقولِ

40. And the making of God regarding you removed from us
The alarm over that momentous event

٤٠. وَصُنعُ اللَهِ فيكَ أَزالَ عَنّا
تَرَجُّحَ ذَلِكَ الحَدَثِ الجَليلِ

41. And protected you for your safe absence, secretly
And the outer doing of your good beautiful deed

٤١. وَقاكَ لِغَيبِكَ المَأمونِ سِرّاً
وَظاهِرِ فِعلِكَ الحَسَنِ الجَميلِ

42. And what great concerns it prevents you from
And what plentiful attainments it grants you

٤٢. وَما تَكفيهِ مِن خَطبٍ عَظيمٍ
وَما توليهِ مِن نَيلٍ جَزيلِ

43. So you were happy as if you were the precious chalice
Received by the observer from the exquisite

٤٣. فَرُحتَ كَأَنَّكَ القِدحُ المُعَلّى
تَلَقّاهُ الرَقيبُ مِنَ المُجيلِ

44. To delight the Muslims in every place
The soundness of your firm authentic view

٤٤. لِيَهنِ المُسلِمينَ بِكُلِّ ثَغرٍ
سَلامَةُ رَأيِكَ الثَبتِ الأَصيلِ

45. And your health which stood for them
In the position of winning lengthy life

٤٥. وَصِحَّتُكَ الَّتي قامَت لَدَيهِم
مَقامَ الفَوزِ بِالعُمرِ الطَويلِ

46. The hands of God how wholesome, cured
Flashes from it and embers

٤٦. أَيادي اللَهِ ما عوفيتَ وافٍ
سَنا الأَوضاحِ مِنها وَالحُجولِ

47. You are kept healthy often and you remain
For us forever and advise with little

٤٧. تُعافى في الكَثيرِ وَأَنتَ باقٍ
لَنا أَبَداً وَتوعَظُ بِالقَليلِ