
Has he awoke from a swoon of passion so I awoke?

أأفاق صب من هوى فأفيقا

1. Has he awoke from a swoon of passion so I awoke?
Or has he betrayed a pact or obeyed a dear friend?

١. أَأَفاقَ صَبٌّ مِن هَوىً فَأُفيقا
أَم خانَ عَهداً أَم أَطاعَ شَفيقا

2. Solitude, as you say, is for comfort,
If only my heart was at ease with solitude being a comrade.

٢. إِنَّ السُلُوَّ كَما تَقولُ لَراحَةُ
لَو راحَ قَلبي لِلسُلُوِّ مُطيقا

3. This carnelian and in it a charming sight,
Charming to the eye if carnelian was genuine.

٣. هَذا العَقيقُ وَفيهِ مَرأىً مونِقٌ
لِلعَينِ لَو كانَ العَقيقُ عَقيقا

4. O heart throb of the two realms, is there a glance,
To please a longing heart as a bosom friend?

٤. أَشَقيقَةَ العَلَمَينِ هَل مِن نَظرَةٍ
فَتَبُلَّ قَلباً لِلغَليلِ شَقيقا

5. Your height is a gown of the sky in continual rain,
It gives life to hope or it turns away a lover.

٥. وَسَمَتكِ أَردِيَةُ السَماءِ بِديمَةٍ
تُحيي رَجاءً أَو تَرِدُّ عَشيقا

6. If the affliction has taken from your cheerfulness
An eyelash and frightened your intimacy, the hoped for.

٦. وَلَئِن تَناوَلَ مِن بَشاشَتِكِ البِلى
طَرفاً وَأَوحَشَ أُنسَكِ المَوموقا

7. Many a day have we been entertained with your
Elegant subtle coquetry very elegant.

٧. فَلَرُبَّ يَومٍ قَد غَنينا نَجتَلي
مَغناكِ بِالرَشَإِ الأَنيقِ أَنيقا

8. Let not the miserly one be generous with it the berries,
And the house gather both ardent lover and the desired.

٨. عَلَّ البَخيلَةَ أَن تَجودَ بِها النَوى
وَالدارَ تَجمَعُ شائِقاً وَمَشوقا

9. The slender ones lie when they say I am a murderous glance,
And I frown my eyelashes and I sweeten saliva,

٩. كَذِبَ العَواذِلُ أَنتَ أَقتَلُ لَحظَةً
وَأَغَضُّ أَطرافاً وَأَعذَبُ ريقا

10. What is it to you if I approached in tryst,
That heals the burning and we water you sipping.

١٠. ماذا عَلَيكِ لَوِ اِقتَرَبتِ بِمَوعِدٍ
يَشفي الجَوى وَسَقَيتِنا تَرنيقا

11. The island in the flank of Mohammed became,
Watery flank dawns and sunsets.

١١. غَدَتِ الجَزيرَةُ في جَنابِ مُحَمَّدٍ
رَيّا الجَنابِ مَغارِباً وَشُروقا

12. His imagination for it lightened and ripped through,
In it seclusions of his generosity ripping.

١٢. بَرَقَت مَخايِلُهُ لَها وَتَخَرَّقَت
فيها عَزالى جودِهِ تَخريقا

13. Years have turned from it and its extremities have faced,
The face of time released.

١٣. صَفَحَت لَهُ عَنها السِنونُ وَواجَهَت
أَطرافُها وَجهَ الزَمانِ طَليقا

14. The Prince Abu Saeed has raised its mention,
And instituted in it for bounties a market.

١٤. رَفَعَ الأَميرُ أَبو سَعيدٍ ذِكرَها
وَأَقامَ فيها لِلمَكارِمِ سوقا

15. They ask rain from his hand which overflows,
It drenches the deprived and the bestowed.

١٥. يَستَمطِرونَ يَدا يَفيضُ نَوالُها
فَيُغَرِّقُ المَحرومَ وَالمَرزوقا

16. Awakened if events confront with his opinion,
He leaves the momentous of events subtle.

١٦. يَقِظٌ إِذا اِعتَرَضَ الخُطوبَ بِرَأيِهِ
تَرَكَ الجَليلَ مِنَ الخُطوبِ دَقيقا

17. Why do you not ask Muhammad about Muhammad?
You find the expert truthful and the trusted.

١٧. هَلّا سَأَلتَ مُحَمَّداً بِمُحَمَّدٍ
تَجِدِ الخَبيرَ الصادِقَ المَصدوقا

18. And ask the cursed ones for with him they are,
More wretched than the people of Muqan first cursed.

١٨. وَسَلِ الشُراةَ فَإِنَّهُم أَشقى بِهِ
مِن أَهلِ موقانَ الأَوائِلِ موقا

19. We used to condemn from Umayya a band,
Who sought the caliphate scandalously and sinfully.

١٩. كُنّا نُكَفِّرُ مِن أُمَيَّةَ عُصبَةً
طَلَبوا الخِلافَةَ فَجرَةً وَفُسوقا

20. And we blame Talha and Zubair both of them,
And rebuke the truthful and the distinction.

٢٠. وَنَلومُ طَلحَةَ وَالزُبَيرَ كِلَيهِما
وَنُعَنِّفُ الصِدّيقَ وَالفاروقا

21. They are Quraish of the Abtah when they belong,
Fine are their origins amongst them and vein.

٢١. وَهُمُ قُرَيشُ الأَبطَحَينِ إِذا اِنتَمَوا
طابوا أُصولاً فيهِمُ وَعُروقا

22. And we say Taym brought close and Adi intensified,
A distant matter when it was far-fetched.

٢٢. وَنَقولُ تَيمٌ قَرَّبَت وَعَدِيُّها
أَمراً بَعيداً حَيثُ كانَ سَحيقا

23. Until Jusham bin Bakr became audacious,
Seeking inheritance of the prophet and claiming rights.

٢٣. حَطّى غَدَت جُشَمُ بنِ بَكرٍ تَبتَغي
إِرثَ النَبِيِّ وَتَدَّعيهِ حُقوقا

24. They came with their shepherd to take with him,
A pillar to cut the road a road.

٢٤. جاؤوا بِراعيهِم لِيَتَّخِذوا بِهِ
عَمداً إِلى قَطعِ الطَريقِ طَريقا

25. They threw off his gown and cast over him,
The garb of the caliphate immersed vanity.

٢٥. طَرَحوا عَباءَتَهُ وَأَلقَوا فَوقَهُ
ثَوبَ الخِلافَةِ مُشرَباً راوُوقا

26. They tied his turban to the head of his mule,
And they saw him innocent so he neglected duties.

٢٦. عَقَدوا عِمامَتَهُ بِرَأسِ قَناتِهِ
وَرَأَوهُ بِرّا فَاِستَهالَ عُقوقَ

27. And he carried out his rule on the island,
And he thinks the promise of the liars truthful.

٢٧. وَأَقامَ يُنفِذُ في الجَزيرَةِ حُكمُهُ
وَيَظُنُّ وَعدَ الكاذِبينَ صَدوقا

28. Until when the male serpent recoiled,
From Arzan sulking overflowing rage.

٢٨. حَتّى إِذا ما الحَيَّةُ الذَكَرُ اِنكَفا
مِن أَرزَنٍ حَنِقاً يَمُجُّ حَريقا

29. Angry he meets the sun with negligence,
That covers the eyes glittering and lightning.

٢٩. غَضبانَ يَلقى الشَمسَ مِنهُ بِهامَةٍ
تُغشي العُيونَ تَأَلُّقاً وَبَريقا

30. His fantasies failed him and ripped apart,
From him the absentmindedness of his drunkenness ripping.

٣٠. أَوفى عَلَيهِ فَظَنَّ مِن دَهَشٍ بِهِ
البَرَّ بَحراً وَالفَضاءَ مَضيقا

31. Your steeds emerged from the stables of Judayy already,
Loaded with warding of death and herding.

٣١. غَدَرَت أَمانيهِ بِهِ وَتَمَزَّقَت
عَنهُ غَيابَةُ سُكرِهِ تَمزيقا

32. Seeking revenge of my God near a band,
Who deposed the imam and opposed success.

٣٢. طَلَعَت جِيادُكَ مِن رُبا الجودِيِّ قَد
حُمِّلنَ مِن دُفَعِ المَنونِ وَسوقا

33. They pelt their creator with their ugliest deed,
And they distort His evident book.

٣٣. يَطلُبنَ ثَأرَ إِلَهي عِندَ عِصابَةٍ
خَلَعوا الإِمامَ وَخالَفوا التَوفيقا

34. So you called to a group of your swords their death,
And you tightened in the knots of iron a group.

٣٤. يَرمونَ خالِقَهُم بِأَقبَحِ فِعلِهِم
وَيُحَرِّفونَ كِتابَهُ المَنسوقا

35. And the son of Amr went having done evil in his life,
Thinking to rip his bond ripping.

٣٥. فَدَعا فَريقاً مِن سُيوفِكَ حَتفُهُم
وَشَدَدتَ في عُقَدِ الحَديدِ فَريقا

36. His guts rode arrivals of his fright,
Pelting him a pelting of bitter shock.

٣٦. وَمَضى اِبنُ عَمرٍو قَد أَساءَ بِعُمرِهِ
ظَنّاً يُنَزِّقُ مُهرَهُ تَنزيقا

37. So he crossed the Tigris wading as if it,
Was sediments at the door of Kuhail dried.

٣٧. رَكِبَت جَوانِحُهُ قَوادِمَ روعِهِ
يَخذِفنَهُ خَذفَ المَريرِ الفوقا

38. If Emleq or crooked Ujj crossed it then,
It would not have allowed crooked or Emleq.

٣٨. فَاِجتازَ دِجلَةَ خائِضاً وَكَأَنَّها
قَعبٌ عَلى بابِ الكُحَيلِ أُريقا

39. If not for the turmoil of fear in his intestines,
The foam would have carried him so he drowned.

٣٩. لَو خاضَها عِمليقُ أَو عُوجٌ إِذاً
ما جَوَّزَت عُوجاً وَلا عِمليقا

40. He waded the fearsome clutching fearsome,
Matted like an ancient catapult aged.

٤٠. لَولا اِضطِرابُ الخَوفِ في أَحشائِهِ
رَسَبَ العُبابُ بِهِ فَماتَ غَريقَ

41. He roams its plateau and ruggedness,
And the birds his purpose and pelting.

٤١. خاضَ الحُتوفَ مِنَ الحُتوفِ مُعانِقاً
زَجِلاً كَفِهرِ المَنجَنيقِ عَتيقا

42. If the steeds snorted him an instant look,
He would have filled the countries tremors and eruptions.

٤٢. يَجتابُ حَرَّةَ سَهلِها وَوَعورَها
وَالطيرَهانِ مَرادُهُ وَدُقوقا

43. He would bend the chests of livestock exposing anxiety,
And twist the heads of horses relieving tightness.

٤٣. لَو نَفَّسَتهُ الخَيلُ لَفتَةَ ناظِرٍ
مَلَأَ البِلادَ زَلازِلاً وَفُتوقا

44. Bakr would have set forth early and Taghlib would travel,
In supporting his call to it eagerly.

٤٤. لَثَنى صُدورَ السُمرِ تَكشِفُ كُربَةً
وَلَوى رُؤوسَ الخَيلِ تَفرُجُ ضيقا

45. Until the wolf returns a fierce lion,
And the twig a leg and the puny delicate.

٤٥. وَلَبَكَّرَت بَكرٌ وَراحَت تَغلِبٌ
في نَصرِ دَعوَتِهِ إِلَيهِ طُروقا

46. Alas he marched disturbed awakened,
Anxious when the cowardly rests comfortable.

٤٦. حَتّى يَعودَ الذِئبُ لَيثاً ضَيغَماً
وَالغُصنُ ساقاً وَالأَرارَةُ نيقا

47. Borrowing he made the darkness his dawn,
And he saw the dawn of tomorrow so it was darkness.

٤٧. هَيهاتَ مارَسَ قُلقُلاً مُتَيَقِّظاً
قَلِقاً إِذا سَكَنَ البَليدُ رَشيقا

48. Yours is the galloping when the distance competes you,
And the shooting of your preceding when it came preceded.

٤٨. مُستَسلِفاً جَعَلَ الغَبوقَ صَبوحَهُ
وَمَرى صَبوحَ غَدٍ فَكانَ غَبوقا

49. The grace of life enticed him so it slipped,
From his palm the tribe thereby real.

٤٩. لِلَّهِ رَكضُكَ إِذ يُبادِرُكَ المَدى
وَمُبِرُّ سَبقِكَ إِذ أَتى مَسبوقا

50. So you pelted back his brain and he had sipped the pelting,
To protect from it a sealed spring.

٥٠. جاذَبتَهُ فُضُلَ الحَياةِ فَأَفلَتَت
مِن كَفِّهِ قَمَناً بِذاكَ حَقيقا

51. He wore iron anklets and bracelets,
So enough for him the confinement and siege.

٥١. فَرَدَدتَ مُهجَتَهُ وَقَد كَرَعَ الرَدى
لِيَحُفَّ مِنها مَنهَلاً مَطروقا

52. With battle and battle the spring between places,
The religion of God in it still preserved.

٥٢. لَبِسَ الحَديدَ خَلاخِلاً وَأَساوِراً
فَكَفَينَهُ التَسويرَ وَالتَطويقا

53. Our swords in its plateau the despair with it,
Sees the plunderers and herders.

٥٣. بِالتَلِّ تَلِّ رَبيعَ بَينَ مَواضِعٍ
مازالَ دينُ اللَهِ فيها يوقى

54. Until he took Caesar`s jeweled crown,
With blood and scattered his assembly scattering.

٥٤. ساتَيدَما وَسُيوفُنا في هَضبِهِ
يَفرى إِياسُ بِها الطُلى وَالسوقا

55. And the butchers when the trial of Ibrahim in,
Their two trysts those gentle folds.

٥٥. حَتّى تَناوَلَ تاجَ قَيصَرَ مُذهَباً
بِدَمٍ وَفَرَّقَ جَمعُهُ تَفريقا

56. He killed the petitioner the son of the petitioner with a,
Deceptive strike and burned his army burning.

٥٦. وَالجازِرينَ وَهَتمِ إِبراهيمَ في
ثِنيَيهِما تِلكَ الثَنايا الروقا

57. And Zab when Umayya if timed passed limits,
Bringing to us their profligate the agnostics.

٥٧. قَتَلَ الدَعِيَّ اِبنَ الدَعِيِّ بِضَربَةٍ
خَلسٍ وَحَرَّقَ جَيشَهُ تَحريقا

58. They uncovered with the revealing of the unveiler of the,
Lights of darkness about a visage that filled the sky with lightning.

٥٨. وَالزابِ إِذ حانَت أُمَيَّةُ فَاِغتَدَت
تُزجي لَنا جَعِيَّها الزِنديقا

59. We took them before daybreak with arms,
That slither in the gut of the darkness dawns.

٥٩. كَشَفوا بِتَلِّ كُشافَ أَروِقَةَ الدُجى
عَن عارِضٍ مَلَأَ السَماءَ بُروقا

60. Until we left the passions eulogizing from them,
Passions in the stomach of Zabiyan repulsive.

٦٠. نِلناهُمُ قَبلَ الشُروقِ بِأَذرُعٍ
يَهزُرنَ في كَبِدِ الظَلامِ شُروقا

61. Oh Toghlub daughter of Wael how long,
Do you repel atheism damnable and combusting?

٦١. حَتّى تَرَكنا الهامَ تَندُبُ مِنهُمُ
هاماً بِبَطنِ الزابِيَينِ فَليقا

62. Do you communicate with an abandoned call,
The call of donkeys when they intend braying?

٦٢. يا تَغلِبَ اِبنَةَ وائِلٍ حَتّى مَتى
تَرِدونَ كُفراً موبِقاً وَمُروِقا

63. We have looked in the book so we did not find,
In your speech in its verses realization.

٦٣. تَتَجاوَبونَ بِدَعوَةٍ مَخذولَةٍ
دَعوى الحَميرِ إِذا أَرَدنَ نَهيقا

64. Or do you not know that the sword of Mohammed,
Has become a punishment with the tyrants obliterating?

٦٤. وَلَقَد نَظَرنا في الكِتابِ فَلَم نَجِد
لِمَقالِكُم في آيِهِ تَحقيقا

65. Do not provoke it by scheming,
A difficult plot that tires the desirous.

٦٥. أَو ما عَلِمتُم أَنَّ سَيفَ مُحَمَّدِ
أَمسى عَذاباً بِالطُغاةِ مُحيقا

66. Do not assume people if their riffraff bleated with them,
Sheep of yours obeyed and meek.

٦٦. لا تَنتَضوهُ بِأَن تَروموا خُطَّةً
عَسراءَ تُعيِ الطالِبينَ لُحوقا

67. Leave the caliphate they below its access,
A fate with seizing the wrongdoers fitting.

٦٧. لا تَحسَبَنَّ الناسَ إِن صَفَرَت بِهِم
رُعيانُكُم بِهماً أَطاعَ وَنوقا

68. Zayd bin Hisn has turned it after what,
They turned away to him its gown torn.

٦٨. خَلّوا الخِلافَةَ إِنَّدونَ مَنالِها
قَدَراً بِأَخذِ الظالِمينَ خَليقا

69. And the men of Tayy have conciliated in front of him,
Fragile iron sheets there subtle.

٦٩. قَد رَدَّها زَيدُ بنُ حِصنٍ بَعدَما
رَدّوا إِلَيهِ رِداءَها مَشقوقا

70. With pledging and they contracted it so they affirmed,
A contract for him between hearts confirmed.

٧٠. وَرِجالُ طَيِّءِ مُصلِتونَ أَمامَهُ
وَرَقاً هُناكَ مِنَ الحَديدِ رَقيقا

71. He was not pleased with it when he took it over stubborn,
It was not pleased with him devoted to it and a friend.

٧١. بِالنَهرَوانِ وَعاقَدوهُ فَأَكَّدوا
عَقداً لَهُ بَينَ القُلوبِ وَثيقا

72. If it connected anyone besides its people,
From them it would have had a brother and a friend.

٧٢. لَم يَرضَها لَمّا اِجتَلاها صَعبَةً
لَم تَرضَهُ خِدناً لَها وَرَفيقا

٧٣. لَو واصَلَت أَحَداً سِوى أَصحابِها
مِنهُم لَكانَ لَها أَخاً وَصَديقا