
O limping one, veiled, wait a while!

أيها الأعرج المحجب مهلا

1. O limping one, veiled, wait a while!
This is not the act of one who pretends

١. أَيُّها الأَعرَجُ المُحَجَّبُ مَهلاً
لَيسَ هَذا مِن فِعلِ مَن يَتَمَرّى

2. We have never seen a teacher, ever, veiled,
Even if he were in the realm of Chosroes

٢. ما رَأَينا مُعَلِّماً قَطُّ مَحجو
باً وَلَو أَنَّهُ عَلى مُلكِ كِسرى

3. We have seen your stick, yellow, smooth
From the sap, between the Little Bear and Great Bear

٣. قَد رَأَينا عَصاكَ صَفراءَ مَلسا
ءَ مِنَ النَبعِ بَينَ صُغرى وَكُبرى

4. Bringing together two qualities, beauty and softness
For you in it are, I suspect, other intentions

٤. جَمَعَت خَلَّتَينِ حُسناً وَليناً
لَكَ فيها ظَنّي مَآرِبُ أُخرى