1. My body, not your slender body,
And I, not you, am the ailing one.
١. جِسمِيَ لا جِسمُكَ النَحيلُ
وَيا عَليلاً أَنا العَليلُ
2. Our yearning is the same, undoubtedly,
Would that I could take your place!
٢. حُمّاكَ حُمّايَ غَيرَ شَكٍّ
فَلَيتَني دونَكَ البَديلُ
3. I reveled in the sweetness of life
When that beloved sought shelter in me.
٣. حَمَيتُ نَفسي لَذيذَ عَيشٍ
إِذِ احتَمى ذَلِكَ الخَليلُ
4. A barrier has come between us,
And so my long night has returned.
٤. وَحالَ مِن دونِهِ حِجابٌ
فَعادَني لَيلِيَ الطَويلُ
5. I would be content with a line,
Or even a messenger from him.
٥. إِنّي لَأَرضى بِخَطِّ سَطرٍ
أَو أَن يَجيني لَهُ رَسولُ