1. Tell Abū Ja'far, though he has
A hand that grasps what's far from its reach.
١. قُل لِأَبي جَعفَرٍ وَإِنَّ لَهُ
يَداً يَنالُ البَعيدُ نائِلَها
2. The rain clouds refuse to compete with it,
And time itself falls short if it tries to match it.
٢. تَأبى يَدُ الغَيثِ أَن تُساجِلَها
وَيَقصُرُ الدَهرُ إِن يُطاوِلَها
3. You remained in times of want, so when
The glory and nobility endure, you endure with them.
٣. بَقيتَ في وائِلٍ فَحينَإِذٍ
تبقى رُبى المَجدِ وَالعَلاءِ لَها
4. You barred the insolent with strongholds
And exalted your family with honors.
٤. مَنَعتَ بِالمُرهَفاتِ جارِمَها
وَعُلتَ بِالمَكرُماتِ عائِلَها
5. Consider your solid deeds: A tribe,
Numbering its fortresses, would do the same.
٥. تَعُدُّ أَفعالَكَ الحَصينَةَ إِن
قَبيلَةٌ عَدَّدَت مَعاقِلَها
6. Through them, how much attainment you have,
And freshness - you barred your lands with them.
٦. كَم لَكَ فيها مِن نائِلٍ وَندىً
سُدتَ بِها بَكرَها وَوائِلَها
7. Shall I proclaim your generosity openly
Or conceal it like one who hides
٧. أُذيعُ جَدواكَ أَم أَكونُ كَمَن
يَكتُمُ شُؤبوبُها وَوابِلَها
8. The defects and floods of his land?
It is a blessing, when mentioned,
٨. ها إِنَّها نِعمَةٌ إِذا ذُكِرَت
كانَت عَطاءً وَكُنتَ باذِلَها
9. To give openly, and you are its giver.
None will complete its final part
٩. لَن يَتَوَلّى إِتمامَ آخِرِها
إِلّا كَريمٌ أَنشا أَوائِلَها
10. But one noble who began its first part.
You were quick to start favor,
١٠. كُنتَ بِبِدءِ الإِحسانِ عاجِلَها
فَكُن بِعودِ الإِحسانِ آجِلَها