
I have a master who has made me taste bitterness

لي سيد قد سامني الخسفا

1. I have a master who has made me taste bitterness,
Is he more generous or more pure?

١. لي سَيِّدٌ قَد سامَني الخَسفا
أَكدى مِنَ المَعروفِ أَم أَصفى

2. I conceal what he has changed of his opinion,
I want it to be hidden yet it is not hidden.

٢. أَستُرُ ماغَيَّرَ مِن رَأيِهِ
أُريدُ أَن يَخفى فَما يَخفى

3. He toyed with me by prolonging,
And he counted that of his action as courtesy.

٣. داعَبَني بِالمَطلِ مُستَأنِياً
وَعَدَّهُ مِن فِعلِهِ ظَرفا

4. You had been among the farthest of them in resolve
To me, and among the most generous of them in palm.

٤. قَد كُنتَ مِن أَبعَدِهِم هِمَّةً
عِندي وَمِن أَجوَدِهِم كَفّا

5. The hundred dinars are forgotten
In a number you have saturated doubly.

٥. المائَةُ الدينارُ مَنسِيَّةٌ
في عِدَةٍ أَشبَعتَها خُلفا

6. Neither the truth of Ishmael in it nor
The loyalty of Abraham when he was loyal.

٦. لا صِدقُ إِسماعيلَ فيها وَلا
وَفاءُ إِبراهيمَ إِذ وَفّى

7. If you do not intend success for it
Then how can you not make it a thousand?

٧. إِن كُنتَ لا تَنوي نَجاحاً لَها
فَكَيفَ لاتَجعَلُها أَلفا

8. Do you have reconciliation, so I exempt you
From half and you start over to me half?

٨. هَل لَكَ في الصُلحِ فَأُعفيكَ مِن
نِصفٍ وَتَستَأنِفُ لي نِصفا

9. Or you leave the affection as it is
And our feet line up equally?

٩. أَو تَترُكَ الوُدَّ عَلى حالِهِ
وَتَستَوي أَقدامُنا صَفّا

10. Indeed, he who is too heavy for a people
Is to be dismissed for the one who was light.

١٠. إِنَّ الَّذي يَثقُلُ أَهلٌ لِأَن
يُضرَبَ عَنهُ لِلَّذي خَفّا