
To you, O Commander of the Faithful, I send

إليك أمير المؤمنين رسالة

1. To you, O Commander of the Faithful, I send
A message from the West to calm the tumults of the East

١. إِلَيكَ أَميرُ المُؤمِنينَ رِسالَةً
مِنَ الغَربِ تَستَقري فِجاجَ المَشارِقِ

2. I pray to God to grant you the gift of sight
To see before me the wing of the Muslims against the sinful

٢. أُعيدُكَ بِالنُعمى مِنَ اللَهِ أَن تُرى
قُدامى جَناحِ المُسلِمينَ لِفاسِقِ

3. He lent the reins of the two limping camels weakness
With his trembling hands, feeble wrists

٣. أُعيرَ بَريدُ الرَقَّتَينِ غَضاضَةً
بِمُضطَرِبِ الكَفَّينِ رِخوِ البَنائِقِ

4. He blamed the injustice of the Eastern countries
Upon us and sold the people, then fled hurriedly

٤. نَعى العَدلَ شَرقِيَّ البِلادِ بِجَورِهِ
عَلينا وَباعَ الناسَ ثَمَّ بَدانِقِ

5. In what he herded is the respite of a wicked immoral
With his other evil and the darkness of a thief

٥. لَهُ في الَّذي استُرعيهِ رَوحَةُ فاجِرٍ
بِسَوأَتِهِ الأَخرى وَدُلجَةُ سارِقِ

6. When his young men called to sin
His privacy with the dust instead of the youth

٦. إِذا ما دَعا غِلمانُهُ لِبَلِيَّةٍ
فَخَلوَتُهُ بِالعِفرِ دونَ المُراهِقِ

7. Effeminate in marriages and no reveler
And the monitor of young men and no mature

٧. مُخَنَّثُ أَعراسٍ وَلَيسَ بِمُطرِبٍ
وَقَينَةُ فِتيانٍ وَلَيسَ بِعاتِقِ

8. It provokes the lust of the mule from his arousal
And excites his testicles the shouting of young boys

٨. يَهيجُ شَحيجَ البَغلِ مِن كَلَبِ استِهِ
وَيُطرِبُ خُصيَيهِ صِياحُ الفُرانِقِ