
The clouds floated by and our valleys bid them adieu

سرى الغمام وغادتنا غواديه

1. The clouds floated by and our valleys bid them adieu
As if they were achievers fulfilling hopes held by you

١. سَرى الغَمامُ وَغادَتنا غَواديهِ
كَأَنَّهُ نائِلٌ بِتنا نُرَجّيهِ

2. They told a tale from Abul `Abbas resembling it
When it flows and its trees stand erect in array

٢. حَكى نَدىً مِن أَبي العَبّاسِ يُشبِهُهُ
إِذا تَهَلَّلَ وَاِنتَلَّت عَزاليهِ

3. God has clothed Abdullah with a garment
From seeking David, adding to his pursuits

٣. قَد أَلبَسَ اللَهُ عَبدَ اللَهِ أُبَّهَةً
مِن سَعيِ داوُدَ زادَت في مَساعيهِ

4. Verily, the land tax by two gold coins he collects
The management of an alert one knows how to enliven it

٤. إِنَّ الخَراجَ بِقِنِّسرينَ يَجمَعُهُ
تَدبيرُ يَقظانَ يَدري كَيفَ يُحيِيهِ

5. He rushed some with a push from his advancement
And guided others with a pull from his coming

٥. أَعجَلَ بَعضاً بِضَربٍ مِن تَقَدُّمِهِ
وَاِقتادَ بَعضاً بِضَربٍ مِن تَأَتّيهِ

6. When he speaks no jest enters into his talk
Neither is it other than serious he means thereby

٦. إِذا تَكَلَّمَ لَم يَدخُل صَريمَتَهُ
هَزلٌ وَلا كانَ غَيرَ الجِدِّ يَعنيهِ

7. Lofty ambition does not diminish his resolve
Nor is there way to a fault that would blame him

٧. لا يَنقُصُ الطَمَعُ الغالي عَزيمَتَهُ
وَلا سَبيلَ إِلى عَيبٍ يُدانيهِ

8. The height of his ambition raises him above that
And surplus of his wealth enriches him beyond that

٨. عُلُوُّ هِمَّتِهِ عَن ذاكَ يَرفَعُهُ
وَفَضلُ ثَروَتِهِ عَن ذاكَ يُغنيهِ